[NFBMT] New Delta Airlines Travel Policy Information

Jim Marks blind.grizzly at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 21:50:21 UTC 2018

Yes, please find and pass along the article, Dar.  Also, carrying proof of
rabies vaccination on one's phone is a terrific idea.  

Just the same, I still have problems with Delta's new policies for guide
dogs.  It's fine to provide documentation to a groomer or a kennel, but we
are talking about the civil right to use guide dogs for air travel.  I just
don't think they can add unnecessary burdens to air travel for dog users.  

BTW, while recently boarding an aircraft on Delta, Kieran, my guide, was
attacked by a house cat that was allowed out of its carrier.  The flight
attendant chewed the pet owner out because they are not allowed to remove a
pet from its carrier.  It was a conflict of the cat owner's privilege to
take a pet on flight and my right to access the flight with the alternative
techniques of the blind.  I would not have a problem if Delta tightened up
its companion and pet rules.  My beef is only with service animal policies.
Kieran handled the incident with the same calmness and curiosity he always
shows.  The cat didn't bother him much at all other than the initial flinch
back from the hissing aggression.

Jim Marks
Blind.grizzly at gmail.com
(406) 438-1421

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBMT [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina via
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 12:47 PM
To: nfbmt at nfbnet.org
Cc: d m gina <dmgina at mysero.net>
Subject: Re: [NFBMT] New Delta Airlines Travel Policy Information

Yes Jim I feel the same way.
I was pretty upset over it when I read the first article sent to me.
As the days go by I feel better about how all will be fixed.
When I did the rabies tags, I had them put the information on my phone so I
wouldn't have to carry that around all of the time.
The only time I had to use this, was when I took her to a place in town for
a bath.
They took the information put it in their records as well, now I am not
asked again, each time I go get her nails trimmed or go get her a bath.
So far I have seen a reply from seeing eye, I hope other schools jump in and
help the folks who go threw training.
I can find an article to send it here if you would like.

Original message:
> Delta's new policy regarding service animals sure is problem-ridden.  
> The right to use service animals comes mostly from state and not federal
> The federal rules --- I understand them to be more regulatory than 
> statutory
> --- provide some guidelines and definitions of illegal discrimination.  
> They are based loosely on the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 
> 504 off the Rehabilitation Act, Fair Housing, and other federal 
> anti-discrimination rules.  State laws are pretty clear, though.  If a 
> blind person chooses to use a dog guide, we have the right to take 
> them wherever we go.  What's going on really doesn't come from guide 
> dog use, though.  It's more a matter of other service and companion 
> animals.  We all know it's getting out of control and that outfits 
> like Delta are trying to re-assert a balance.  It's just that their 
> right to control animals on airplanes should not deny or limit the 
> legitimate use of guide dogs by the blind.  Delta has the right to ask 
> if the animal is a service animal and to ask what service the animal 
> performs, but nothing else.  Delta already has the power to refuse 
> companion animals and pets if they so choose.  I'm feeling pretty 
> angry about what Delta is trying to do, and I'll bet this one will go to
court or with Delta backing down.

> Jim Marks
> Blind.grizzly at gmail.com
> (406) 438-1421

> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFBMT [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of BRUCE&JOY 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 8:43 AM
> To: nfbmt <nfbmt at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER <breslauerj at gmail.com>; marjorie 
> <dmgregg at 3rivers.net>
> Subject: [NFBMT] New Delta Airlines Travel Policy Information

> Greetings, fellow Montana Federationists.

> This may impact some of us going to National Convention.

> You may be aware that Delta Airlines announced that as of March 1st 
> 2018 a change to their policy regarding transportation of Service 
> Animals will come into effect.  There have been many stories in the 
> media, several with inconsistent facts.  I have posted a link below to 
> what appears to be their new policy.  We will update you on any new

> Here is the link:

> https://www.delta.com/content/dam/delta-www/pdfs/policy/TrainedService
> Animal
> -
> RequiredForms.pdf

> Joy Breslauer, President

> National Federation of the Blind of Montana

> Web Site:  <http://www.nfbofmt.org/> http://www.nfbofmt.org

> Live the life you want

> The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and 
> friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. 
> Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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