[NFBNJ] Roses are red, Violets are blue...

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Wed Oct 10 18:42:56 UTC 2018

Greetings to all!
carol has forwarded the following.
If found interested, go for it.
I am thinking about the following to submit.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Bob Hope has a nose
Like a B 52!

We care. We share. We grow. We make a difference
Joe Ruffalo, President
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
973 743 0075
nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Raising Expectations To Live The Life You Want!Your old car keys can be keys 
to literacy for the blind.
Donate your unwanted vehicle to us by clicking
or call 855 659 9314


Carol Castellano
Founder, Parents of Blind Children-NJ
Secretary, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
carol_castellano at verizon.net

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: National Braille Press <enews at nbp.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:21 PM
Subject: Roses are red, Violets are blue...
To: <blindchildren at verizon.net>

NBP's Annual Poetry Contest is here! Early entries get a free special
braille edition of Leslie Pockell's "100 Poems to Lift Your Spirits"
[image: NBP Logo]

*Roses are red,*

*Violets are blue,*

*Nature is lovely*

*And rhyming is too!*

*Enter NBP's Annual Poetry Contest today!*

*[image: A book of braille poetry next to flowers]*

*Calling all poets! *

The National Braille Press Annual Poetry Contest is here! Writers of *all*
ages are encouraged to enter their original braille poetry for a chance to
win a grand prize.

*The theme for this year's contest is nature.* So go outside this weekend,
enjoy the crisp autumn weather, and get inspired to write some poetry!

And don't forget! *The first 100 poets to enter will receive a free special
braille edition of "100 Poems to Lift Your Spirits" by Leslie Pockell.*
This book is full of old favorites and modern classics that are sure to
warm your heart.

*Submit a poem as a braille file (.brf format) to marketing at nbp.org
<marketing at nbp.org> OR mail a hard copy to National Braille Press, 88 Saint
Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115. The poem must be an original work 125
words or less, using English Braille American Edition or Unified English

*Click here for more information and official rules for the Contest!*

Happy writing!

National Braille Press   88 Saint Stephen St.    Boston  MA   02115

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