[NFBNJ] NFBNJ Diabetes Committee Minutes April 4 Agenda Saturday May 2 1:45 PM

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Thu Apr 23 11:53:26 UTC 2020

Greetings to all!
Please share with others.
If you are a diabetic, consider joining the conference call on Saturday, May 
4 at 1:45 pm.
Info is below.


From: Ed Godfrey
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 7:36 PM
Subject: Minutes from the April 4 and Agenda for the May 2 diabetic 
committee meeting

Greetings to All!

Here are the minutes from the April 4 meeting and agenda for the May 2  2020 
Diabetic committee

Call:  605 468 8005

Code: 460994

NFBNJ Diabetic committee meeting was called to order by Committee chair Ed 
Godfrey at 1:45  pm.



Committee chair: Ed Godfrey, Co-Chair Angela Parone, State President Joe 
Ruffalo, Deborah Alexander, Ward Biondi, Derrick Frazier, Cynthia Jones, 
Harvey and Linda Levene, Elizabeth Morgan, Jay Patel, Jocelyn Santiago, Don 
Wardlo and guest Lester Cameron.

The following issues were discussed.

1.  State President Joe Ruffalo gave resources to help people during the 
pandemic including: nfbnj.org which has a link to the New Jersey covid19 
site. Another site is www.covid19.nj.gov and you can also call free 211. 
Joe also said to call someone in your chapter or division to see how they 
are doing and check up on them, it can be reassuring to know that someone is 
thinking about you. Joe talked about the April presidential release.  He 
said that there were about 900 people on the call. The meeting was delivered 
using the Zoom platform which can be accessed using your computer, smart 
phone or call in number.  Joe said that the state is looking into also using 
the Zoom for various meetings such as chapter, division and committee 
meetings. He said more information will be forth coming.  Finally, Joe told 
us to check our emails as he will be sending out information about events 
happening in the National Federation and other helpful information.

2.  Jocelyn Santiago gave a detailed presentation on the procedure for 
testing the accuracy of your Gluco meter and test strips with the control 
solution. She said, that you should use the first strip of each new bottle 
using the test solution. ON each new bottle of strips, there is a range that 
the test results should be in. The first thing you need to do is put your 
meter in to the test mode by pressing the Memory button.  When you open up 
the vile of test solution, the first drop needs to be discarded to avoid 
contamination of the test this can be discarded on a paper towel. Place a 
drop of solution on the palm of your hand and perform a test using the 
solution with the strip.  If the results of the test fall within the range 
specified on the bottle of strips your meter and strips are fine.  However, 
if they do not, try the test again and then contact the manufacture of your 
meter for additional trouble shooting.

3.  Jocelyn gave several recommendations for getting better test results 
such as: Always washing your hands before testing, keeping your meter at 
room temperature, waiting about 30 minutes after you have been out in the 
sun before testing, rotate the spots on your finger where you get your blood 
from, If you’re a braille reader, avoid using your index finger tips, 
Members also had questions about how to get the blood from the finger onto 
the test strip if you can not see.

Some suggestions included: Washing your hands with warm water and then 
rubbing your hands together before testing, placing the thumb as a guide 
just below where you place the lancing device, you can also increase the 
depth of the lancing device to a higher setting to get a deeper cut, Jocelyn 
said that you can get ultra thin lancets which are thin and painless. 
Angela suggested that to slide the strip from your palm to your finger where 
you stuck the finger.

Cynthia had a question about injecting her insulin.  Jocelyn said that you 
should rotate the spot where you inject to avoid calluses.

4.  We discussed when we wanted to have our next meeting.  Everybody on the 
call said

that Saturday May 2 at 1:45 P. M. works for them pending the availability of 
the conference line.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 P. M.

Notes written by Angela and Elizabeth Minutes reviewed and written by Ed 

Agenda for the Saturday, May 2 meeting at 1:45 P. M.

Call:  605 468 8005

Code: 460994

1.  Call to order

2.  roll call

3.  review of criteria for being on the diabetic committee

4.  Managing your diabetes during this time. This includes various resources 
for exercising and corona virus updates an NFB virtual events.

5.  Around the phone

6.  Adjournment

Agenda Submitted By:

Ed Godfrey, Chair, NFBNJ Diabetic Committee

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