[NFBNJ] Think Through The Following Steps

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Sat Aug 1 00:11:25 UTC 2020

Greetings to all!

Hope the following assists all.
If found worthy, please share with others.



Mental Health 2020

Mental Health Tips:

Staying Positive Helps

Thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions and even our 
health. Experts say it's worthwhile -- and possible -- to learn how to think 
more positively.

Here is some research about the benefits of staying positive:

  a.. People who were pessimistic had a nearly 20 percent higher risk of 
dying over a 30-year period than those who were optimistic.
  b.. People who kept track of their gratitude once a week were more upbeat 
and had fewer physical complaints than others.
  c.. People who obsessively repeated negative thoughts and behaviors were 
able to change their unhealthy patterns -- and their brain activity actually 
changed too.

Here are some helpful tips on how to stay positive:

Foster optimism by trying to focus on the positive as much as possible. This 
may require a mind shift that tends to get easier with practice. If you want 
to pump up your optimism, you might:

  a.. Write about a positive future.
  b.. Envision your goals and dreams coming true.
  c.. Imagine positive outcomes in a particularly challenging situation.
  d.. Search for the silver lining, asking yourself: How have I grown from 
this situation?, Are my relationships stronger now?, Have I developed new 
skills?, What am I proud of about the way I handled this situation?

Source: Mental Health America

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