[NFBNJ] National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Announces Changes in Leadership of the Northeast Chapter

Ellen Sullivan ems553 at comcast.net
Fri Aug 13 15:28:49 UTC 2021

Greeting Members,

   I inadvertently said that Clarke would serve as VP until the next
regularly scheduled chapter meeting. This should have said "President".
Please see correction below. Thank you so much for! Ellen Sullivan

August 13, 2021

To: All NFBNJ Members

From: Ellen Sullivan, NFBNJ Affiliate Secretary on behalf of the NFBNJ
President and Board of Directors


Citing increased work and home -related responsibilities, Dan Facchini has
resigned as President of the Northeast Chapter effective  immediately. He
has held this top leadership post of the chapter for 20 of the more than 25
years he has been a member of the National Federation of the Blind of New
Jersey. An entrepreneur in the Blind Enterprise Program, Dan plans to
continue as an active member of the Northeast Chapter.

Throughout his many years in the affiliate, Dan has served on the state
board and held numerous leadership positions.

Our Affiliate Officers and Board of Directors thank Dan for his continued
service to the NFBNJ helping blind people live the lives they want.

Clarke King, Vice President of the Northeast Chapter, will assume the duties
of Chapter President. Clarke heads the Finance Committee and is on the State
Legislative Committee.  He will serve as President until the next
regularly-scheduled chapter election.


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