[NFBNJ] Week of June 21, 2022 President Riccobono's Notebook, National Items of Interest and Dates to Keep in Mind

Linda Melendez president at nfbnj.org
Tue Jun 21 17:38:36 UTC 2022

*President’s Notebook*

* National Federation of the Blind Mark A. Riccobono *
*officeofthepresident at nfb.org* <officeofthepresident at nfb.org>

*410-659-9314  *

Dear Federation Family,

In two weeks, we will all be back together again in convention assembled.
If you are like me, you have to shake off the dust to remember what it is
like to plan for travel and the various details of being in person. The
muscle memory does fade. Remember to pace yourself and focus on the fact
that the most important thing is our having a positive in-person experience
together. Let your affiliate president know if there are aspects of our
coming together that you need assistance with during the next weeks. I do
encourage you to study the agenda as there are a number of changes in our

Convention: Social Media 101: To prepare for #NFB22, on June 21, 2022, at
8:00 p.m., eastern, the National Federation of the Blind is hosting an
introduction into social media–specifically Facebook and Twitter We will be
covering engagement tips and technical navigation of these two platforms. The
Zoom Meeting ID is 918 5517 4270 <https://zoom.us/j/91855174270>. This is a
great opportunity for social media coordinators within your affiliate or
division. Please share.

There will be time for Q&A; however, please feel free to send questions in
advance to Danielle McCann at dmccann at nfb.org or 410-659-9314, extension
2246. Read more details on the Social Media 101
Get to Know the #NFB22 Sponsors and Exhibitors:

We greatly appreciate the 2022 National Convention Sponsors
<https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention/sponsors> who support the
work of the Federation, and we are grateful for the dynamic and exciting
experience of the exhibit hall each year. The National Federation of the
Blind is hosting two pre-convention showcases to meet the sponsors and

   - Join the sponsor showcase virtual preview on Monday, June 27, at 8:00
   p.m., eastern time. Hear from each of the sponsors, what they offer, and
   how you can connect with them at the convention and beyond. Zoom Meeting
   ID is 929 6905 8502 <https://zoom.us/j/92969058502>.
   - Join the exhibitor showcase virtual preview on Tuesday, June 28, at
   8:00 p.m., eastern time. Learn about each exhibitor, what they will offer
   in the exhibit hall, and how you can connect with them if you won’t be
   attending in person. Zoom Meeting ID is 984 3031 8608

#NFB22 Virtual Experience Details and Banquet Party Form:

The 2022 National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind is
almost here. Registration for the NFB22 virtual experience is still open
<https://nfb.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=481>. We encourage you
to promote the virtual experience with chapter members who are not going to
New Orleans—it’s a great way to be connected to the organized blind
movement during the week of July 5 through July 10. There will be a virtual
experience component each day of the convention with exclusive activities,
including door prizes. For members who will be attending the virtual
experience and hosting a banquet party, we would love to know about your
party for the chance to say hello from convention. Complete the National
Convention Virtual Experience Banquet Party Form by June 30
News: Developing Entrepreneurs within the NFB:

The National Federation of the Blind is proud to announce a partnership
with Synergies Work and SmartJobs. This partnership has been developed to
assist entrepreneurs within the NFB through Synergies Work's i2i
Entrepreneurship Program. This is a ten-week, i2i Entrepreneurship Program
that provides learning labs, one-on-one mentorship, and impact grants.

Synergies Work is the largest incubator accelerator program committed to
enabling entrepreneurs with disabilities build sustainable businesses by
bridging the opportunity gaps between the disability and the business

If you're an entrepreneur who is looking to launch or grow your business,
you can learn more about this partnership at SynergiesWork.org/i2i
by attending the information session on June 22, at 5:00 p.m.,
eastern. Register

Social Security Administration Kiosks:

The NFB continues to seek information about the accessibility of the Social
Security Administration’s current visitor-intake-processing methods. If you
have visited an SSA field office since their reopening in April 2022, or
plan to visit an office soon, please contact Valerie Yingling at
410-659-9314, extension 2440, or legal at nfb.org. We are specifically
gathering information on whether the field offices are using kiosk,
web-based, or human check-in processes, and whether these processes are
accessible to blind individuals.
Dates to Keep in Mind: (all times eastern)

   - June 21, 2022: Social Media 101
   - June 27, 2022: Get to Know the Sponsors!
   -  June 28, 2022: Meet the ExhibitorsJuly 5-10: 2022 National Convention
   <https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention>, New Orleans
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