[NFBNJ] NFB President’s Notebook - Week of 09/26/2023

NFB New Jersey nfb.newjersey at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 01:54:34 UTC 2023

President’s Notebook National Federation of the Blind Mark A. Riccobono
officeofthepresident at nfb.org 410-659-9314

Dear Federation Family,

Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is
long, but it bends toward justice.” This week the White House and some
federal agencies are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the passage of the
Rehabilitation Act. One thing that makes the Federation particularly
effective is not simply that we have been here for all of those fifty
years, but that we engage throughout the whole process, including as laws
are implemented and need to evolve. Whether we are thinking about Social
Security legislation, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
pedestrian safety, ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty, or any other
priority we have pursued, we recognize that getting a law is only the first
step. As the nation celebrates this important historical milestone, we
should recognize that the progress has come partly through our hard work.
More importantly, progress will continue because we dedicate ourselves to
following the arc the rest of the way to justice.

As we get geared up for Blind Equality Achievement Month, we need to
dedicate ourselves to creating awareness of how blind people have raised
expectations throughout society. We have more work to do to get our message
and our understanding out into the general public. We also need to
challenge ourselves to find innovative ways to capture the attention of the
non-blind public and draw them into talking about the issues that impact
our lives on a daily basis. October creates that opportunity, and I hope
you will share with all of us the approaches that you find to be most
effective in your community.

I will be on the road for the first part of October, including a visit to
our Florida state convention. I am anticipating the opportunity to be with
our members in Kentucky and Florida as we enter the final quarter of a very
successful year.

Thank you for your efforts to build our organization.

Critical Actions: *Blind Equality Achievement Month:*

October is Blind Equality Achievement Month, and we want to highlight our
successes. We encourage affiliates and divisions to update their social
media with any activities that they are doing, as well as with their
members’ success stories. We’ll be sure to share some on our platforms.
Please send links to your posts to Cricket Bidleman at cbidleman at nfb.org.

*October Presidential Release LIVE from Kentucky:*

The National Federation of the Blind Presidential Release #531
will be broadcast from Louisville, on October 3, 2023, at 8:00 p.m.,
eastern. Closed captions and Spanish interpretations will be available.
Presidential Release Zoom ID: 999 6853 1572. Please share the live event
opportunity on your affiliate and chapter social media channels.

*COVID Tests:*

The White House announced recently that COVIDtests.gov is re-opening.
People are now again able to order free, at-home COVID-19 tests. Each
household may place one order; each order will contain twelve tests. Blind
people are able to order, by phone or online, the more accessible tests
manufactured by Ellume. To ensure that the accessible tests go to people
that need them, go to ACL.gov/AccessibleTests to order online. To order by
phone, call 1-800-232-0233. Select language by pressing 1 for English, 2
for Spanish, 3 for other languages. Then select 8 for the accessible test
(rather than 1 for the inaccessible test).

For assistance placing orders or administering the test, call 888-677-1199.
DIAL operators are available Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
eastern. In addition, live chat and ASL services are available through the DIAL
website <http://dial.acl.gov/>.

News: *National Federation of the Blind Responds to Department of Justice
Title II Website NPRM:*

On August 4, 2023, the United States Department of Justice published a
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding ADA Title II website and
mobile app accessibility regulations in the Federal Register. The proposed
rule was more than two hundred pages long and asked readers to answer over
sixty questions. Since we have been waiting for these regulations for
thirteen years and wanted to ensure a thorough and appropriate response, we
spent many weeks carefully reviewing the proposed rule and crafting our
comments. I am pleased to say that we submitted our comprehensive comments,
answering all relevant questions, on Tuesday, September 19. I encourage you
to read our full ADA Title II NPRM response
on the Policy Statements page of our website.

*NFBMD President, Ronza Othman, Testified Before Senate Aging Committee:*

On Thursday, September 21, Ronza Othman, the president of our Maryland
affiliate and the president of the National Association of Blind Government
Employees, testified before the Senate Special Committee on Aging at a
hearing titled “Unlocking the Virtual Front Door: Ensuring Accessible
Government Technology for People with Disabilities, Older Adults, and
Veterans.” Ronza did a terrific job and her full testimony
can be found on our policy page.

*SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (H.R. 5408/S. 2767):*

We are working Capitol Hill to find champions for the Blind Americans
Return to Work Act in the House and Senate and hope to have news for you
within the coming months. In the meantime, a new bill has emerged that will
raise the resource limitations placed upon beneficiaries of Supplemental
Security Income (SSI). The bipartisan SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act
has been introduced in the House and Senate as H.R. 5408 and S. 2767
respectively. Please reach out to your senators and representative and urge
them to cosponsor this important legislation. If you would like to know
whether your representative or senators are already cosponsors on the above
legislation, please contact Lindsey Walsh in our Advocacy and Policy
Department at lwalsh at nfb.org.


We experienced a significant NFB-NEWSLINE outage on Sunday, September 24,
at approximately 10:30 p.m., eastern time. Nearly all of the content has
now been restored except for the local channels and some magazines. We
expect the remaining content to be restored within the next twenty-four
hours. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Scott White at
swhite at nfb.org.

*National Disability Employment Awareness Month:*

October is also National Disability Employment Awareness Month and to
celebrate, the Employment Committee of the National Federation of the Blind
will be hosting multiple events throughout the month to get interested
members “employment ready.” Two of the events are described below.

*Where the Blind Work** Webinar: *

On Wednesday, October 18, join the Employment Committee of the National
Federation of the Blind as we celebrate the work and accomplishments of
blind people with a panel discussion. This online seminar will take place
on Wednesday October 18, from 8:00–9:15 p.m., eastern. Unemployment and
under-employment persist as among the most stubborn factors affecting blind
people’s pursuit of cultural and economic equity in society. Below are our
panel participants:

·       Jennifer Wenzel, Human Resources Specialist, Wisconsin

·       Kris Colcock, Certified Work Incentive Practitioner, Washington

·       Rachel Kuntz, Community Relations Liaison, Arizona

Register at *Where the Blind Work*
for Zoom details. We look forward to your participation!

*National Federation of the Blind Virtual Career Fair: *

Join the Employment Committee on Thursday, October 26, from 1:00 to 4:00
p.m., eastern, via Zoom for our fall virtual career fair. The National
Federation of the Blind career fairs are events for blind people seeking
jobs to connect with employers and are an opportunity for employers to seek
more talent for their teams. Registration is required by October 16, 2023.

·       Career Fair – Job Seeker

To prepare job seekers, the Employment Committee will be hosting “Getting
the Most from Your Virtual Fair Experience,” an online seminar designed to
provide tips and techniques for creating the most positive experience while
attending the fair. Members will automatically be registered for the online
seminar once they have registered for the career fair. For more information
on the career fair or webinar, please contact Jennifer Wenzel , Employment
Committee chair, at jenwen319 at gmail.com, or Rachel Kuntz, employer liaison,
at rkuntz at saavi.us

*Ride for Literacy Contribution Totals: *

It is not too late to help us make our contribution goal for the Route 66
Ride for Literacy. Please share the link https://nfb.org/route66 with your
friends and family and on social media. We are just under our goal of
$50,000 in support from the ride. To help reach the goal, please consider
posting something like:

Dan O’Rourke road more than 2,700 miles on his bike for literacy and to
bring awareness to the National Federation of the Blind. You can help
without riding your bike across the country. Please help us achieve our
$50,000 goal. Visit https://nfb.org/route66.

Dates to Keep in Mind: all times eastern

   - October: Blind Equality Achievement Month
   - October 18: *Where the Blind Work* Webinar, 8:00 p.m.
   - October 26: National Federation of the Blind Virtual Career Fair, 1:00
   - November 8: Introduction to the Organized Blind Movement, 8:00 p.m.
   - July 3-8, 2024: National Convention; Orlando, Florida
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