[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1795

Jennifer Bazer jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
Mon Jan 4 12:24:06 UTC 2021

January 4, 2021

Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents &

From:  Jennifer Bazer, President

Positive Note 1795


Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com> 


Greetings Fellow Federationists:


Happy 2021! I hope all of you are looking forward to an amazing year in the
NFB of SC!

New Year's resolutions are meant to be made; they are meant to be broken!
Each year I pick one word that will be my focus, my driving force for that
year. Some of my words have been relax, focus, purpose,  and others that
have guided me that year. It is not a word that I pick randomly or without
thought; it is a word that I pray about, a word that might keep coming up in
my readings, a word that reverberates in my mind, a word that someone says.
It is one word that will create clarity, passion, purpose and life change. 


During our 51 annual statewide seminar, we will discuss in more detail about
our one word, your one word.

Join with me in thinking about what our word, the NFB of SC's word will be
for 2021 and let's go build the Federation! Let's create a positive vision
for the Palmetto state!

Will it be purpose; commitment, focus; love; determination; hope? Let's
think together and as a team, choose one word for our affiliate for 2021!


Flight 2021

Hello, welcome to Flight #2021. We are prepared to take off into the New
Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in
an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at
this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away.
Should we lose Altitude under pressure during the flight, reach up and pull
down a Prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your
Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE
allowed on this flight. 

The Captain (GOD) has cleared us for takeoff. 

Destination: GREATNESS 


SC/Palmetto Connects

              We will have our next SC connects meeting on Thursday, January
7 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Please encourage your chapters, divisions, committees to
attend to learn about the latest happenings in the NFB of SC!


Statewide Seminar

              Our statewide seminar will be held January 9 at the Center in
Columbia from 10:00 until 4:00. This will be a hybrid seminar meaning you
can attend in-person and over Zoom so as many individuals can participate as
possible. Please make plans to attend in-person or through Zoom. Please
call, text or email me with suggested agenda items. Please also call David
at the Center at 803-254-3777 to let us know if you will be attending in
person. First come, first serve as we have limited seats to effectively
promote social distancing at the Center. Chapter and division presidents
along with FCB, NFB of SC, and Rocky Bottom board members are required to
attend via zoom or in-person.

              If you notify David Houck by January 5, 2021 whether you plan
to attend on zoom or in-person, your name will be entered into a $50 gift
card drawing. You must be present to win. There will be additional door
prizes throughout the seminar; only individuals who notify David by calling
803-254-3777 or emailing nfbsc at sc.rr.com <mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>  about
your zoom or in-person attendance will be entered into the $50 gift card


              Leadership Seminar:

              Our next leadership seminar will be April 10, 2021 at the
Federation Center. All presidents of divisions and chapters along with
Federation Center board members, Rocky Bottom board members and NFB of SC
board members are required to attend in-person or through zoom. Others who
are interested are welcome to attend via zoom or in-person as well.

              If you notify David Houck by April 5, 2021 whether you plan to
attend on zoom or in-person, your name will be entered into a $50 gift card
drawing. You must be present to win. There will be additional door prizes
throughout the seminar; only individuals who notify David by calling
803-254-3777 or emailing nfbsc at sc.rr.com <mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>  about
your zoom or in-person attendance will be entered into the $50 gift card

              We plan to have door prizes at each of these seminars on
January 9 and April 10. Calling David Houck at the Center at 803-254-3777
will guarantee your name will be entered into a separate drawing for
registered in-person and zoom attendees of a $50 gift card for each seminar
that will be drawn at an undisclosed time during each seminar and you must
be present to win. . Anyone who attends via zoom or in-person will be
eligible for door prizes and must be present to win, even if, you do not
register prior to the seminars. Only registered individuals who call David
Houck to let us know how you will be participating either in-person or zoom
will be entered into the $50 gift card drawing for each seminar.


              The following meetings are scheduled on the Zoom platform this
week. You are welcome to attend any of these meetings, even if you are not a
member of the chapter or committee.  All Committee meetings are open to the
public for listening. Contact President Bazer if you would like to be added
to any NFB of SC committee so that information stays current on our website
and membership list.

              Here is what is coming up on Zoom for the week of January 4,
2021 and January 11 2021. All meetings are on the main Federation ID of
803-254-3777, unless noted.

Monday, January 4, We Care Committee, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, January 4, Fund Raising Committee, 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 5, Legislative Committee, 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 7, Palmetto Connects, 5:00 p.m.

Friday, January 8, Meet the Blind Committee, 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 9, Statewide Seminar, 10:00 until 4:00

Sunday, January 10, Lee County Chapter Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Monday, January 11, Braille Literacy Committee, 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 12, At Large Chapter Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 12, Sumter Chapter Meeting, 7:00 p.m. see zoom info below
in the Positive Note

Wednesday, January 13, Sports and Rec Division Meeting, 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 14, Cherokee Chapter Meeting, 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 14, Columbia Chapter Meeting, 6:15 p.m.

Thursday, January 14, Lancaster Chapter Meeting, 7:00 p.m. use 864-878-9090
for meeting ID

Friday, January 15, Name that Tune, Fun Friday Night, 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 16, Technology Training, 10:00 until 12:00

              NFB of SC Federation Center is inviting you to a scheduled
Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFB of SC Chapter and Committee meetings

Times are in  Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 803 254 3777

Passcode: 124578

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)



Support A Local Vender

Would you like to support a local vender and the National Federation of the
Blind of SC (NFB of SC ) at the same time? Well, here is your opportunity to
do both! When you purchase items from any of the below venders, be sure to
mention the NFB of SC in order for a percentage to be donated to the NFB of

If you know of any venders that are willing to donate a percentage of each
purchase to the NFB of SC and have their information listed on
<http://www.nfbofsc.org/> www.NFBofSC.org, have them contact Jennifer Bazer
and Steve Cook at the below Email addresses.


 <mailto:jhipp25 at sc.rr.com> jhipp25 at sc.rr.com

 <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com> cookcafe at sc.rr.com 

To access a list of venders, please go to www.nfbofsc.org
<http://www.nfbofsc.org>  and then click on the support a local vender link.

Your support of the local vender and the NFB of SC is greatly appreciated!


>From Thom Spittle, Chairman, Rocky Bottom Retreat and Conference Center of
the Blind

Rocky Bottom is now taking reservations for 2021. Chapters and blind South
Carolinians can get away from things and stay at our facility for a small
reservation fee. For more information, or to book your stay, call Thom
Spittle at 803-331-3344 or email  rockybottominfo at gmail.com
<mailto:rockybottominfo at gmail.com> .


>From Linda Dizzley, President, Lee County Chapter

Please join the Lee County Chapter of the NFB of SC on Sunday, January 10 at
7:00 p.m. on the Federation zoom platform to learn about technology and apps
that help blind people live the lives they want.


>From Debra Canty, Sumter chapter President

The Sumter Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina
will host a Zoom Platform on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 in the comfort of
your home on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.  Please pay attention, save the zoom info now
in your contacts, and remember to use the zoom Platform, just for our NFB
meeting on January 12th. 

The presenters will be Yvette Thompson and Vincent Ferguson, Representatives
for A Final Expense Plan. 

The sparkling revolving spotlight is shining on those who's paid NFB (2021)
state dues thus far, Lori Anne Cowley, Gary Engles, Joyce Engles, Jan Lewis,
Herbert Boykin, Ruthie Walker, Della Sherod, Essie Williams and Debra Canty.

Yvette Thompson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please note, this info is different than the Federation zoom link and

Topic: Final Expense Plan

Time: January 12, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 874 6981 2090

Passcode: 727547

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,87469812090#,,,,,,0#,,727547# US (Washington D.C)

+13126266799,,87469812090#,,,,,,0#,,727547# US (Chicago)


Or, just dial on your phone:


Meeting ID: 874 6981 2090

Passcode: 727547

If you know a blind person please relay this information and contact Debra
Canty chapter president at (803) 775-5792 or (debra.canty at frontier.com
<mailto:debra.canty at frontier.com> ).


Sports and Rec Division

The NFB of SC now has a Sports and Rec Division. I am excited to see how
this division grows in the Palmetto state. This division emphasizes healthy
eating and exercise and includes recreational activities like reading,
cooking, gardening, and more. We hope you will support this division and
become members for just $5 per year. The next Sports and Rec Division
Meeting will be January 13 at 7:30 p.m. on the Federation zoom platform. The
2021 officers are:

David Rebocho, President

Matthew Duffell-Hoffman, Vice President

Cheri Euton, Secretary/Treasurer


Name that Tune

Our movie night on December 23 was a huge success as we watched audio
described Christmas with the Cranks. We had 25 participants including
members from NC, NJ, IL, FL, SC and other affiliates. We will be having a
fun Friday night once per month hosted by the NFB of SC to include: trivia,
name that tune, interactive activities, and additional audio described
movies. Our next fun Friday night will be Friday, January 15 at 8:00 eastern
with name that tune! All are welcome, come join your Palmetto affiliate!


>From Steve Cook

The upcoming weekly Zoom events can now be found on Newsline! The article
list the date, name of the event and the time. Also, listed is the
information you will need to call in using your phone. Thank you to MS.
Cummings for speaking out about a challenge she was having knowing when all
the zoom events took place. Since she does not use a computer and used
Newsline on her phone, we created a solution that will hopefully assist


Recipe Group via Email

>From Steve Cook

Do you have a favorite recipe that people always ask you for? Do you enjoy
learning about new recipes? Do you enjoying trying new food? Here is your
opportunity to all of the above an more! I have created a group for people
to Exchange Recipes and the discussion of recipes. Below is the Email
address for you to subscribe To this new group. Just a friendly reminder to
also put the word subscribe in the subject line. 


RecipeExchange+subscribe at groups.io
<mailto:RecipeExchange+subscribe at groups.io> 


              PAC Plan Challenge:

              We will be running a contest from December 5, 2020  through
May 31, 2021 for our NFB of SC affiliate. We are currently 13 and would like
to be in the top 10 or higher. One of our members would like to see us as an
affiliate contribute $1,500 to PAC each month between chapters, divisions,
individuals and our NFB of SC affiliate. If you join PAC, your name will be
entered into a drawing for a $100 visa gift card. If you increase your PAC
donation, your name will be entered into a different $100 visa gift card
drawing. I have a list of chapters, divisions, and individuals who are on
PAC at this time. On June 1, I will ask the national office for another list
which I will use to have the two drawings on June 1. There are many ways to
give. Below, is a little about PAC.

              Thank you for your interest in the National Federation of the
Blind's Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) program. This program allows you
to contribute to the NFB through recurring monthly donations. These can be
direct withdrawals from a checking account or charges to a credit card.
Please contact pac at nfb.org <mailto:pac at nfb.org>  with any questions. Thank
you for your generosity.

              You can go to https://www.nfb.org/pac to complete the online

              You may also call the national office at 410-659-9314
extension 2622 or email PAC at nfb.org <mailto:PAC at nfb.org>  with questions.

              There are several chapters and divisions within our state who
are on PAC and we are grateful for those contributions. There are
individuals who are on PAC and we are appreciative of those members who give
each month. As an affiliate, we are averaging $17.41 per person and less
than 10% of our members are on PAC. Let's see if we can increase those
percentages to over $20 per month and have at least 20% of our members on
PAC. I appreciate you considering to get on the PAC plan or increasing your
donation each month!





The NFB of SC sends its thoughts and prayers to Joe Ruffalo and his family.

Request for distribution by Janie Degenshein, NFBNJ Affiliate Board Member


This is the first of many updates I wish to share with our NFBNJ family
about my brother Joe Ruffalo. Joe is in need of quiet rest at this time but
knows that he feels the love and warmth of your prayers and thoughts. I wish
to personally thank those that have reached out to me via email, text, or
phone calls to share your heartfelt wishes. Over the next few weeks, there
will be other updates we wish to share with our entire NFBNJ family. 

Below, my nephew, Joe's son shares his thoughts with you. If for any reason
the method of sending well wishes is unworkable for you, just send an email
to Janie Degenshein at jdegen16 at comcast.net <mailto:jdegen16 at comcast.net>
and I will personally share them with my brother.



Thank you all for reaching out concerning my dad, Joe Ruffalo. As many of
you may know he has been suffering from terrible pain for some months now.
His most recent bout has kept him in the hospital since December 7th. During
that time, it was diagnosed that he has cancer. We are still waiting for all
the details, but early indications are that it is not a common type of

Dad has always been a fighter and is in good spirits, although very tired. I
know many of you want to reach out and wish him well. The family, my mom,
brother Jim and I, as well as his brother's and sister's appreciate this
outpouring. For the time being I am asking that you do not call him. It is
not that he doesn't want to hear from you, but he needs to rest and quite
frankly I have woken him up far too many times myself.

In lieu of phone calls, I have created a special website and email address
where you can send him well wishes. Feel free to share a funny story or
moment, an accomplishment or something positive about your life. Dad loves
to hear that. My aunt Jane Degenshein and I will be reading these to him on
a frequent basis. We may not be able to respond directly to everyone, but
rest assured he will get your message.

Website:  <http://wishjoewell.com/> wishjoewell.com

email: wishjoewell at gmail.com <mailto:wishjoewell at gmail.com> 

We ask that you keep both him and my mom in your thought sand prayers.
Currently this is all we need and ask of you.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, 



Attend the First 2021 Presidential Release  <x-apple-data-detectors://19> on
January 4-Captioning and Spanish Available:

The January Presidential Release of the National Federation of the Blind
will be delivered on World Braille Day- <x-apple-data-detectors://20>
Monday, January 4-at 8:00 p.m. eastern. After the remarks, there is an
opportunity for questions. Submit questions in advance tocdanielsen at nfb.org
<mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>  and put PR501 in the subject line, or call
410-659-9314, extension 2473 <tel:410-659-9314;2473> . Closed captions and
Spanish interpretation will be available. Zoom details coming soon.


Braille Calendars

Every year, the American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults provides,
free of charge, more than 10,000 Braille calendars to blind and deafblind
people throughout the United States.

These pocket calendars are an invaluable tool for everyday use. They provide
the day, date, and the major holidays during each month. They allow blind
people to receive the same information that their sighted family, friends,
and colleagues have easy access to. 


"While I use accessible technology each day in my job, I find tremendous
value in having a calendar that I can access directly while conducting
conference calls or meetings. I also use it for planning my business and
personal trips. This calendar is quick and easy to use!"

"The calendar is small enough to carry in my bag or purse. It is arranged in
a way that makes it very easy to check the date or day of the week. It is
very handy to have on my desk when I am talking to people on the telephone
and it is very well made."

If you would like to make sure a deafblind or blind person is able to
continue to receive the Braille calendar,
<https://www.actionfund.org/about/donate> please consider making a $10.00
donation today.


If you would like to receive the 2021 Braille calendar or know someone who
would like to have one, please fill out the form at the below link. Please
note, this program is for Braille readers only.



Hot off the presses is the January 2021 Brail Monitor! . Among the
interesting articles contained in this issue is one entitled Honoring our
Blind Ancestors: Anita O'Shea
<https://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/bm/bm21/bm2101/bm210117.htm> ,
written by Peggy Chong, the Blind History Lady.


Below is the link to the complete January, 2021 Braille Monitor for your
reading pleasure.


Louis Braille Commemorative Silver Dollar on Sale 
  in Honor of 2021 World Braille Day:

During the week of  <x-apple-data-detectors://15> January 4-8 only, the
National Federation of the Blind Independence Market will be offering
special pricing for the Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar. This
commemorative coin was issued by the United States Mint in 2009 to honor the
two hundredth anniversary of Louis Braille's birth. The US Mint issues only
two commemorative silver dollars each year, so it is truly special that our
incredible advocacy led to the recognition of Louis Braille's contribution
to the literacy of blind people in this way. During this week, the price of
this collector's coin will be $50.00 plus shipping and handling. To make a
purchase or for further questions, please contact the NFB Independence
Market by phone at 410-659-9314, extension 2216 <tel:410-659-9314;2216> , or
by email atindependencemarket at nfb.org <mailto:independencemarket at nfb.org> .


Final Thought: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss


NFB Pledge - I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National
Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


NFB One Minute Message - "The National Federation of the Blind knows that
blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every
day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations
create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back." 


If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive it
directly in your inbox, as well as, receive messages regarding the National
Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please email Steve Cook at
cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com> .



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