[NFBOH-Cleveland] Fwd: This week's late St. Valentine's Day, early Presidents Day Ability Front

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 13:16:43 UTC 2018

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "elizabeth.sammons at ood.ohio.gov" <elizabeth.sammons at ood.ohio.gov>
> Date: February 15, 2018 at 7:46:02 AM EST
> To: Undisclosed recipients:;
> Subject: This week's late St. Valentine's Day, early Presidents Day Ability Front
> Welcome to Ability Front!
> Please go directly to the links provided for additional information. If you have any news, opportunities or resources you want me to include in Ability Front, please email me privately for consideration. My criteria are generally “Will this help fellow Ohioans with disabilities or disability professionals?” and “Is it timely, affordable and relevant?” And if you ever want to unsubscribe, likewise just send me an email.
> I’m putting it out, now it’s your turn to run with it and pass it on!
> Thanks, happy explorations here as always,
> Elizabeth L. Sammons
> Week of February 15
> Did you know?
> OSU is using “smart paint” to aid in navigation for walkers with visual impairments. Read how it works here: https://metrolabnetwork.org/
> Deaf rap, well, why not? Matthew Maxey seeks to unite the hearing and Deaf community through music and sign language, breaking barriers in the process. (Note; contains limited amount of mature content.)   https://deafinitelydope.org/?utm_source=OCALI%20Communications&utm_campaign=44bb49a8bb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_02_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e20b46887d-44bb49a8bb-408054833
> Navajo is the most spoken Native American language, but only in this decade, thanks to a teacher with Navajo family roots, a braille code was developed for kids studying the language.
> http://www.daily-times.com/story/news/education/2017/12/30/farmington-municipal-school-teacher-develops-navajo-braille-code/991168001/
> Opportunities
> ORGANIZERS FORUM: Sexual Assault, Disability, and #MeToo: FEBRUARY 20, 1-2 pm Eastern time In January, National Council on Disability released a report, “Not on the Radar: Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities,” which seeks to better understand how colleges respond to, prevent, and support survivors of sexual assault who have disabilities. Speakers will provide an overview, recommendations, and discuss how it connects to the national #MeToo movement, and next steps.
> Call-in: 1-515-739-1285<tel:1-515-739-1285 Passcode: 521847#
> To join via computer, go to: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/organizersforum
> March 9, consider attending the Envision Access Conference, coordinated by Ohio University Southern in Ironton, Ohio. The conference is an opportunity for members of the Tristate region to increase awareness and understanding of trends in addressing the needs of students with disabilities.  https://www.ohio.edu/southern/events/eaconference.cfm
> Resources
> ODEP’s #ApprenticeshipWorks Video Series received the 2017 Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals MarCom Gold Award in the Video/Film category. These awards honor excellence in marketing and communication, and is one of the most respected creative competitions in the world. The Series features apprentices with and without disabilities and their sponsors in inclusive apprenticeship programs in high-growth industries like information technology and healthcare. Watch here: https://www.dol.gov/odep/topics/youth/Apprenticeshipworks-video-series.htm
> AbleData offers an international database and information on over 40,000 assistive technology (AT) products, solutions, and resources to improve productivity and ease life’s tasks. It does not sell products or endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications. Information specialists are available week days at 1-800-227-0216; email,  abledata at neweditions.net .  Or visit the web site, www.abledata.com . You can also find AbleData on Facebook and Twitter.
> 1 in 4 college students lives with anxiety, Students share how they cope and how campuses can help in this YouTube from the Chronicle of Higher Education https://www.chronicle.com/article/Facing-Anxiety/241968?cid=wb&utm_source=wb
> Drawing on his experience as a professor with disabilities, Dr. Ryan Parrey offers this YouTube:  Embracing Disorientation in the Disability Studies Classroom -
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8LLboYgTUE&feature=youtu.be
> Did you ever wonder how people who are Deaf/blind can communicate? This blog and YouTube will explain and illustrate a lot, and it is adapted for sensory loss of diverse guests. Welcome to Pro-Tactile: The DeafBlind Way http://www.protactile.org/
> Reminders
> The Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is now accepting applications for the summer 2018 session, which will be held July 22-26. YLF is an annual event hosted by OOD through which high school juniors and seniors with disabilities learn about choosing a career, self-advocacy and leadership development. To learn more about YLF and to apply, visit Youth Leadership Forum here: http://ood.ohio.gov/Transition-br-Students/Youth-Leadership-Forum
> Attention Youth Leadership alumni and past/present volunteers! This summer will be the 20th YLF in Ohio.  We have a short survey planning for a reunion. Please complete ASAP and then share with any YLF connections you may have - the link to share, for convenience, is tinyurl.com/YLF20 <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2FYLF20&data=02%7C01%7CDonna.Foster%40ood.ohio.gov%7Cb8f92c185b8a4b752ca508d54a31ac63%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C1%7C636496499568614197&sdata=dUwQmCy9KLgjLFry8pOxzpWBd3Pz%2FLhWeMUVlI%2FJM8A%3D&reserved=0> .
> This page contains current policy on website accessibility for state of Ohio agencies.  “Ohio Administrative Policy IT-09, Website Accessibility” (http://www.das.ohio.gov/Portals/0/DASDivisions/DirectorsOffice/pdf/policies/informationtechnology/IT-09.pdf
> Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) and Deaf Services Center (DSC) have released 18 new videos, interpreting many of DRO's most requested resources into American Sign Language (ASL). The videos address a variety of topics, from requesting accommodations at work to negotiating with your child's IEP team for special education services. The collection offers more than 3.5 hours of information, signed by a native ASL signer. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfO9kO8g8QJsAHDdruOlWC5vcy8XKlqEu
> Social Security’s Ticket to Work blog offers advice and resources not only on SSA topics, but also on issues ranging from assistive technology in the workplace, to social networking, and much more. See an overview here: https://choosework.ssa.gov/blog/index.html#viewer
> The American Civil Liberties Union  and the actress Marlee Matlin, who is Deaf and married to a police officer, teamed up to produce this video  on how to handle a traffic stop if you are Deaf or hard of hearing. It has useful advice both for those with and without hearing loss. Matlin uses American Sign Language in the video, also captioned and includes voicing.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAvewviVwjY
> This college resource guide for students with various disabilities posts about legal rights, where to find assistance on campus, and an extensive list of web sites, apps and software resources for specific needs. Also searchable by college and degree. www.bestcolleges.com/resources/disabled-students/
> Elizabeth L. Sammons
> Program Administrator
> Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
> Tel. 614.438.1260
> www.oodworks.com
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