[Nfbsf] Braille exhibit activities at the SF public library

JKTomasell at aol.com JKTomasell at aol.com
Thu Mar 5 07:03:53 UTC 2009

    I know that I mentioned this at our February  chapter on February 21 but 
since many of regular chapter members were absent I  thought I would remind 
everyone in the chapter about the braille exhibit  activities that are happening 
at the San Francisco Public Library that we are  assisting in.
On March 6th. the library is having their opening gala for the exhibit and  
the library would like us in attendance since we as the chapter are  
co-sponsoring the exhibit at the library.  So far I have myself, Eric, and  David.  If 
there are other chapter members who would like to come you need  to be at the 
library at 9:30 am.  Please either email me off list or call  me on my cell 
On March 14th. the library is having a blind autobiographer autographing  his 
book that was written about himself about doing either rockclimbing or  
mountain hiking.  If you want more information about this contact the  library.  
Anyways on that same day we are having a table and we are going  to have our NFB 
literature and also a chapter flyer that was discuss and will be  finalized 
and be ready to pass out on that day.  It will be from 2-4 pm.  and so far 
Jason is the only one who will be there for the chapter.  It  would be great if we 
can get a couple more members from the chapter to help out  with the table.
If you need more information, or have any questions about either or both  
events at the SF public library as I mentioned already please email me off the  
chapter list serve at _jktomasell at aol.com_ (mailto:jktomasell at aol.com)   or 
call me on my cell phone.  Thank again and I hope that we can strongly  mention 
our chapter at both events and get some interest for our chapter.
Jaime Tomasello, Secretary of the SF Chapter of the  NFBC
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