[NFBV-Alexandria] Just a Friendly Reminder: Potomac Chapter Picnic on Saturday, Sept. 16th

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 18:44:59 UTC 2017

Members of the Greater Alexandria Chapter,


Please see Evelyn's reminder about the Potomac chapter's picnic next
Saturday, September 16 and be sure to RSVP!



Brian M





This is just a friendly reminder. Can you please disseminate to our GAC list
serve about the Potomac Chapter's picnic being held on Saturday, September
16th from 3-7pm. You must RSVP no later than Wednesday, September 13th with
Sarah Blumberg at her contact email:

sarahblumb at gmail.com


Thanks so much, 


Yours Truly, 


Evelyn Valdez

First VP, Greater Alexandria Chapter




A reminder the Potomac chapter picnic will take place on Saturday September
16 from 3:00 until 7:00.


The cost is $20 and as usual if you are unable to afford the cost, contact
me and the chapter will help.  


I do not want anyone to miss the fun and fellowship.


The picnic will take place at our home, 810 22nd street South, Arlington, VA



John Halverson

President, Potomac Chapter


Believe it or not, Sandy and I will be their!


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