[NFBV-Fairfax] Metro Update: Provide your feedback on Metro's FY2021 budget, including expanded hours, fare and service changes by Mar 2
amcarr1 at verizon.net
amcarr1 at verizon.net
Thu Feb 27 00:05:39 UTC 2020
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From: "Castillo-Ayometzi, Cecilia" <CCastilloAyometzi at wmata.com <mailto:CCastilloAyometzi at wmata.com> >
Date: February 24, 2020 at 7:18:42 PM EST
To: "Castillo-Ayometzi, Cecilia" <CCastilloAyometzi at wmata.com <mailto:CCastilloAyometzi at wmata.com> >
Subject: Metro Update: Provide your feedback on Metro's FY2021 budget, including expanded hours, fare and service changes
You are receiving this email notice because you were identified as a key contact person at your organization to share the following information with other staff members and constituents that may be impacted and interested in providing feedback
Dear Community Partner:
Metro is requesting your feedback on its proposed Fiscal Year 2021 budget, which aims to improve service and fare options, support ridership growth, and manage costs for the transit agency. Metro’s <https://www.wmata.com/about/news/FY2021-Budget-Public-Comment.cfm#main-content> proposed FY21 budget aims to continue that momentum while modernizing the system to continue to attract new riders.
Several key initiatives are being considered, including:
* Extend service hours. Metrorail would return to a midnight closing time Monday through Thursday and stay open until 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
* Bus service improvements. More weekend service on high-ridership routes, improved service and frequency on several MetroExtra routes.
* Elimination of transfer fees between Bus and Rail. Today, riders pay for Bus and Rail trips separately and get a $0.50 discount when transferring. Under this proposal, transfers between Metrorail and regular Metrobus services would be free. For example, today a Virginia customer traveling to L’Enfant Plaza might take a bus to the Pentagon and then transfer to Metrorail with a fare of $3.50 off-peak ($2 for bus + $2 for Metrorail - $0.50 discount). Under Metro’s proposal, this same trip would cost $2.
* Metrorail fare changes. Fares during peak periods would increase for the first time in three years, and mileage tiers would be simplified. Customers can avoid paying more by using passes, as pass prices are not increasing.
* Metrobus fare changes. Metrobus fare of $2 would remain stable for the 94% of riders who use a loaded SmarTrip card to pay. Under the proposal, customers paying or loading their SmarTrip® card with cash would pay $0.25 more.
* Weekend flat fare for Metrorail. A simple, easy-to-remember price regardless of where you start and end your trip.
* Metrobus changes to operate efficiently. Including elimination of selected low-ridership routes in combination with service enhancements and restructuring on other routes.
Check on this new <https://planitmetro.com/budget/chooser.html> fare calculator/ <https://planitmetro.com/budget/chooser_es.html> calculadora de costo de viaje to see how proposed changes would affect you. Additional information is also available in <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/upload/FY21Budget_Amharic.pdf> Amharic, <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/upload/FY21Budget_Chinese.pdf> Chinese, <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/upload/FY21Budget_French.pdf> French, <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/upload/FY21Budget_Korean.pdf> Korean, <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/FY21-budget-espanol.cfm#main-content> Spanish, and <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/upload/FY21Budget_Vietnamese.pdf> Vietnamese. Please visit Metro’s website at <https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/budget/> wmata.com/budget to obtain additional information on these proposed changes.
Provide your feedback by 5 p.m. Monday, March 2—Here is how!
* Take the <https://metro2021budget.sawtoothsoftware.com/cgi-bin/ciwweb.pl?hid_studyname=BudgetFY2021_GeneralQs&hid_pagenum=0&hid_link=1&hid_javascript=1&hid_screenwidth=1655> online survey and provide written comments. Survey respondents may enter to win a $50 SmartTrip® card
* Attend an open house and public hearing, which will take place this week at one of the following three locations:
Monday, February 24
Hilton Arlington
950 N. Stafford Street
Arlington, VA 22203
Open House: 6 p.m.
Public Hearing: 6:30 p.m.
Nearest Metrorail Station: Ballston-MU (Orange and Silver Lines)
Tuesday, February 25
Metro Points Hotel
8500 Annapolis Road
New Carrollton, MD 20784
Open House: 6 p.m.
Public Hearing: 6:30 p.m.
Nearest Metrorail Station:
New Carrollton (Blue, Orange, and Silver Lines)
Wednesday, February 26
Metro Headquarters Building
600 5th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Open House: 4 p.m.
Public Hearing: 4:30 p.m.
Nearest Metrorail Station:
Gallery Place (Red, Yellow, and Green Lines) and Judiciary Sq (Red Line)
Your feedback will be provided to Metro’s Board of Directors in April 2020 as part of the final decision-making process. Please encourage your colleagues and stakeholders to provide their feedback on these proposals – some of these proposals may impact them. Any Board-approved fare or service changes will begin on or around July 1, 2020.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. If you would like to request any printed materials, like brochures or flyers about the proposed budget, please let us know by calling me, or by sending an email at <mailto:ccastilloayometzi at wmata.com> ccastilloayometzi at wmata.com.
With very kind regards,
Cecilia Castillo Ayometzi, Ph.D.| Senior Workforce Diversity and Compliance Officer
Department of Fair Practices
[IBOP Departments: Fair Practices, HR, IT, Labor, OHAW, PRMT, and Strategic Innovations]
<http://www.wmata.com/> Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
600 Fifth Street, NW| Washington, D.C. 20001
Direct: 202-962-1349 | Email: ccastilloayometzi at wmata.com <mailto:ccastilloayometzi at wmata.com>
Metro’s Top 3 Priorities: Safety, Service Reliability, and Fiscal Responsibility
IBOP Core Values: Customer Focus | Integrity | Respect | Excellence
IBOP’s Mission: To deliver effective solutions to fulfill WMATA’s needs through its portfolio of services
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Dear community partners, take this survey and give your feedback <http://metrocbopartners.questionpro.com/> ! Please help us choose the best way to inform you and your clientele.
Customers are encouraged to sign up for MetroAlerts, the email and text messaging alert system designed to provide bus and rail customers with improved up-to-the-minute information about planned service changes and delays. Bus customers can receive alerts and advisories regarding route-specific delays, detours, schedule changes and construction activity. <http://www.wmata.com/about_metro/news/PressReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=5170> Learn more about this service online, or sign up today at <http://www.wmata.com/metroalerts> wmata.com/MetroAlerts.
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