[Nfbv-historic-fredericksburg] Meeting Reminder

Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Mon Mar 13 20:55:39 UTC 2017

  This will be one of two critically important planning meetings for our Walk With the Blind which will occur April 22.

Recently, everyone on the chapter mailing list should have received electronic copies of our flyer and sponsor registration form.  These forms can easily be reproduced on any ordinary printer.  However, extra copies will be available at Saturday's meeting, along with posters to give the merchants on Caroline Street to place in their windows during the next Our monthly chapter meeting will be this Saturday, March 18 at 10:00 in meeting room 1 of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, 1101 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401.

We expect at least 50 people to participate in our walk.  Saturday, please be prepared to tell us if you will be among them, how many people you plan to invite and how many donations you are making a commitment to solicit.  This event's success depends on meaningful participation from every single chapter member.  In addition to walking with us, active participation means visiting the merchants on Caroline Street to request gift certificates, making telephone calls to encourage others to attend, and soliciting as many donations as possible.  This is our chapter's only major annual fund raising event.  Without exception, every chapter member is expected to bring in at least one donation.  This is an absolute requirement for anyone seeking future funding from the chapter.

One of our goals is to visit every merchant on Caroline Street between the City Dock and the library and request a gift certificate to be distributed during opening ceremonies prior to beginning our walk.  Saturday, we will begin dividing up that area and making specific assignments.  Several people began early.  Consequently, I am already the proud temporary keeper of at least three very nice certificates. One way to generate fun and friendly competition for bringing in donors and gift certificates is to form teams.  Hannah Wages has always had a phenomenally successful team, but she probably would not mind some friendly, healthy, enthusiastic competition.

In addition to being our chapter's only fund raiser, it is also a community education project.  April 22, the public will see us walking by yourselves from the City Dock to the library and independently transacting business in the shops on Caroline Street.  Please come Saturday prepared for a serious  work session.  Two weeks later, April 1, we will have a subsequent meeting to check everyone's progress and make final assignments.  There are more than enough important jobs for everyone in the chapter to do in order to make our fifteenth annual Walk With the Blind our most successful ever!
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