[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] meeting information

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Sat Oct 17 03:39:37 UTC 2020

October 16th


Bon Jour –This is a special Crier to publish meeting notesfrom the last meeting and a treasurer’s report before Saturday’s meeting. Themeeting will reference these reports but you can see them here. The meetingwill also reveal the results of our election. It will be the last meeting underBrittany. She has done a great job given the problems caused by the virus andthe serious challenges she had during her child’s illness. We owe her ourgratitude for her work.


TREASURER’s Report –We have had a few donations but we havebeen unable to run a fund raiser due to the virus. The treasury is not emptybut it will be nice to put this bad time behind us and get back to an activechapter

10/12/2020                      ck1494  door prize convention   -25         

10/12/2020                      ck1495  door prize convention   -25         

              10/13/2020        debit     RegularMonthly             -10         2558.75

              14-Oct  debit     StatePAD           -50         2508.75



The September 26th meeting of the HistoricFredericksburg Chapter of the NFB was called to order by the President, BrittanyIngram at 10:00 A.M.  Those in attendanceincluded Brittany, Jessica, Holly, Jodi, Ariel, Chris, Hannah, Laurie, Joe O,and the moderator.

Items on the agenda are the State Convention and election ofthe Chapter’s officers. 

Joe discussed the upcoming State Convention which will beheld virtually. The convention will begin October 26 to November 1.  Some sessions to be included will be parentsof blind children, resolutions, general sessions, a Town Hall event withEverett Bacon, National Representative, and more. The convention will also bestreamed via UTube/Newsline to be as accessible as possible.

Laurie Wages reminded everyone about the Silent Auction onthe website and a live auction.  Eachchapter can donate in item and get back money from the bidding.  There will also be door prizes.  October 18 is the deadline to register to bein the drawing for $100.00.  The agendawill be out 10/01 and sent again later.

Brittany thanked Joe and Laurie for this information.  She reminded everyone you have to current onpaying dues in order to vote at the convention. Dues are $5.00; reach out to Dick Byrne, treasurer if any questionsregarding payment of dues.
Brittany asked if there were any furtherquestions/comments on convention. Members were given 
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