[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] March 2024 Potomac Chapter Meeting Minutes

John Halverson jwh100 at outlook.com
Thu Apr 11 15:35:20 UTC 2024

Hello Friends and Colleagues,

Please find attached and below the Minutes for the March 13, 2024 meeting of the Potomac Chapter, National Federation of the Blind.

John Halverson, Corresponding Secretary

National Federation of the Blind
Potomac Chapter
March 13, 2024

The meeting kicked off with a panel presentation from three Indigenous women with disabilities. The first panelist, Connie Lee Berg, discussed statistics related to the employment and education of Indigenous women with disabilities. Gitana Curtis, the second panelist, shared her story about growing up on a reservation as a blind woman. The third panelist, Melanie Redhouse, also shared about her experiences coming of age and living as a blind mom on a reservation. All three panelists answered questions from the audience.
Sandy entertained a motion to accept the February minutes. John moved, and Sean seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved.
The treasurer's report was then adopted. Nancy moved, and the motion was seconded to approve the treasurer's report.
Sandy asked the members present to announce if they are planning to attend the national convention. John, Sandy, Tracy, Pattie, and Gary stated that they planned to go to national convention.
Tracy summarized the Arlington County meeting on audible pedestrian signals. Tracy, John, and Learoy attended the meeting with the county. Tracy learned at the meeting that there are audible pedestrian signals at 45% of the intersections in Arlington. He described some of the new rules the county is following when implementing these signals. The county seemed eager to work with us and even to design new types of signals. Tracy encouraged everyone to thank Learoy for his advocacy and to attend future meetings and test new signal technology.
Sandy appointed the audit committee, which will include Gary Moore, Cetan Droppers, and Joe Orozco. She also stated that Pattie will chair the nominating committee.
John Halverson gave an update on the progress of the fundraising auction on June 15th. Nancy and Sean volunteered to participate on the committee. John asked everyone to collect auction items from local merchants.
John provided a legislative update. The prescription labeling bill passed both houses. The information technology accessibility act passed the house but died in the senate. Then a lively discussion ensued about how we can revitalize the bill in the future.
Sandy told everyone that the fundraiser at the Ethiopian restaurant would not be happening.
Sandy announced that there will be some tours of the Whitehouse and the African American Museum. The proposed date is June 22nd. The tours will likely be accessible and will include tactile exhibits.
John moved to adjourn, and Nancy seconded. The motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie A. Orozco

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