[NFBWATLK] Seeking blind cane users for paid surface materials street crossings research study in Seattle, Sep 21-28, 2018

Peggy Martinez peggymartinez10 at icloud.com
Mon Sep 3 03:13:57 UTC 2018


Researchers from Western Michigan University will be visiting Seattle to
conduct a study on guidance surfaces at street crossings. We are seeking
experienced travelers with very little or no usable vision who use a long
cane for most daily travel and are available for a study lasting
approximately two hours. The topic of the research is how certain guidance
surfaces and their orientation can impact the mobility of people who are
blind when crossing intersections.

You will be asked to find and align to 6 roadway crossing situations, 3 with
tactile guidance surfaces installed and 3 without.  You will approach each
crossing situation from two directions for a total of 12 trials.
Participation will involve about 2 hours and take place at a selected site
in Seattle. 

We are planning to conduct the study during day-time hours from September 21
- 28, 2018 though dates may be adjusted as needed. 

The honorarium is $100.00 which would cover transportation costs to and from
the study.

If interested, please email peggy at creativeinclusion.us.  Please include your
phone number and we will schedule a short interview to determine whether you
are a fit for the study.

Please share as applicable. 

Thank you 

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