September 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Sep 1 00:41:24 UTC 2018
Ending: Fri Sep 28 21:42:13 UTC 2018
Messages: 66
- [NFBWATLK] Paid Study Opportunity with Microsoft Research in Redmond
Cynthia Bennett
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Maria Bradford
- [NFBWATLK] Baltimore Orioles baseball team to honor National federation of the Blind
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] Fwd: Ask the FCC on Tuesday, September 18 at WTBBL
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] NFBW board meeting call
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] Register now for the NFBW convention
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] Today is National Federation of the Blind Day at the Baltimore Orioles game
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] room reservations and financial assistance for the NFB of Washington convention
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] room reservations and financial assistance for the NFB of Washington convention
Marci Carpenter
- [NFBWATLK] Fw: Lighthouse for the Blind Job Announcement
Kevin Daniel
- [NFBWATLK] Lighthouse for the Blind Job Announcement!
Kevin Daniel
- [NFBWATLK] interest in participating
Dianne Ferrell
- [NFBWATLK] new email address
Dianne Ferrell
- [NFBWATLK] Correction: new email address
Dianne Ferrell
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Les Fitzpatrick
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
Becky Frankeberger
- [NFBWATLK] Today is National Federation of the Blind Day at the Baltimore Orioles game
Becky Frankeberger
- [NFBWATLK] reminder about reserving a hotel room for state convention
Corey Grandstaff
- [NFBWATLK] Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] Urgent Legislative Alert 9-10-2018
Matthew Hines
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] Fwd: Ask the FCC on Tuesday, September 18 at WTBBL
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] QFC shopping
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] QFC shopping
Judy Jones
- [NFBWATLK] Roommate for convention
Kaye Kipp
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Kaye Kipp
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Kaye Kipp
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Kaye Kipp
- [NFBWATLK] Calling all door prizes!
Kaye Kipp
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
- [NFBWATLK] Chapter-At-Large call-in Meeting this coming Thursday.
- [NFBWATLK] 50/50 Raffle at the NFBW State Convention
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Denise Mackenstadt
- [NFBWATLK] QFC shopping
Denise Mackenstadt
- [NFBWATLK] Seeking blind cane users for paid surface materials street crossings research study in Seattle, Sep 21-28, 2018
Peggy Martinez
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Jamal Mazrui
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Lauren Merryfield
- [NFBWATLK] felix hernandez
Lauren Merryfield
- [NFBWATLK] FW: What stories need to be told? Share your ideas with Rooted in Rights!
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] Save the Date - Disability Employment Symposium | October 4th | Veterans Lobby area.
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Polling Places (October 4)
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] For immediate release: Join state committee working to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] Open Positions for DeafBlind Specialists - HKNC
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] New Position at Deaf Blind Service Center in Seattle
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] Washington State Planning for Independent Living Forums
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] ACLU of Washington is Hiring
Nightingale, Noel
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Debby Phillips
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Debby Phillips
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Debby Phillips
- [NFBWATLK] QFC shopping
Debby Phillips
- [NFBWATLK] Blessing of our marriage
Prows, Bennett (HHS/OCR)
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Prows, Bennett (HHS/OCR)
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Albert Sanchez
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Albert Sanchez
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
Robert Sellers
- [NFBWATLK] Al Sanchez
mjc59 at
- [NFBWATLK] QFC shopping
mjc59 at
Last message date:
Fri Sep 28 21:42:13 UTC 2018
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:43:07 UTC 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).