[Njtechdiv] Amazon Video Adds audio description

Mario Brusco mrb620 at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 9 20:33:39 UTC 2017

in case some don't know:

Amazon Video Announces Support for Audio Description

ACB and ADP (Audio Description Project) are pleased to announce with 
Amazon Video the availability of AUDIO DESCRIBED movies and TV shows -- 
over 125 of them initially!  The ADP website now lists 117 movies and 10 
Amazon-produced TV shows, all with audio description tracks.  Sample 
movie titles include:

• Alice Through the Looking Glass
• Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
• Fences
• Gravity
• As well as multiple offerings of Harry Potter, Jack Reacher, Mission 
Impossible, and Paranormal Activity.

In addition to movies, Amazon is offering ten TV shows, some with 
multiple seasons, including:

• Bosch (3 Seasons)
• Creative Galaxy (1 Season)
• Just Add Magic
• Man in the High Castle

Visit the ADP website for a complete list of described titles, supported 
devices, and access links.  At the present time, all of the TV series 
and some of the movies are free to Amazon Prime members.

The app is called prime video …

ADP Website Listing:

Amazon Video Page:

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