[NJTechDiv] updating the reader

Ken Lawrence kenlawrence124 at aol.com
Tue Dec 28 06:50:19 UTC 2021

Hi list I still can’t get my reader to update but I have a possible solution. Adam has gotten me an update on a thumbdrive.  I have insirted the thumbdrive into the unit and it does detect it. How can I get the reader to scan the drive since it apparently won’t just load it like a book on a cartraidge?  I’m pretty sure that is the issue because once when I tried connecting to the internet instead of saying could not connect it said, ?error, downloading update.  I don’t know how long I should wait but am wondering if I didn’t wait long enough.  I know the reader needs an update because newsline isn’t showing in the online services.  If I can’t update with a thumbdrive is there a way to use my computer to connect the unit to the internet that way?  I really don’t want to send this thing back if I can help it.  

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