[Nyagdu] NAGDU Needs You!
NAGDU President
blind411 at verizon.net
Tue Jul 4 14:07:28 UTC 2017
Dear Fellow NAGDU Colleagues,
I am sending this message from our secretary, Sherrill
O'Brien, who is coordinating our exhibit hall table staffing again this
year. We still need some help at our table to raise the funds to enhance the
work of the National Association of Guide Dog Users, Perhaps some of our
affiliate divisions can step up to staff the table as a division. This year
we will have a staffing pizza training party on Tuesday, July 11 at 8:00
p.m. We will contact our staffers with the location of this party via text
message, so please include your mobile phone number when signing up so we
can let you know where we will be! We look forward to an awesome weekk of
NAGDU events from our seminar on Monday and our annual meeting on Wednesday.
Please check out the agendas attached to this message. All NAGDU meetings
will take place in Panzacola F2. Forward to Orlando!
Fraternally yours,
Hello to all who are Orlando bound!
It's come around again, our great national convention which wouldn't be
complete without lots of NAGDU activities and excitement.
I am once again in charge of asking enthusiastic volunteers to sign up to
take a two hour shift at our exhibit hall table. You will be helping our
division by selling great fundraising products, and by giving out
information about the important work NAGDU is doing.
Please take a look at the schedule below my signature, and send me an email
offlist if you can help.
My email is
Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Please indicate the date and time you can help, and include your cell phone
And, according to our NAGDU President, if you sign up, there just might be
a surprise waiting for you!
Thanks in advance for giving NAGDU your time and enthusiasm.
Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
National Association of Guide Dog Users
NAGDU Exhibit Hall Table Sign-up
(A star indicates when volunteers are needed.)
Tuesday, July 11
11AM 1PM Raul Gallegos and Stacie Hardy
1PM 3PM Stacie Hardy and Sherrill O'Brien
3PM 5PM Marion Gwizdala and Linda O'Connell
Wednesday, July 12
8:30AM 11AM Marion Gwizdala and Merry Schoch
*11AM 1PM Jessica Snyder and
*1PM 3PM
*3PM 5PM
Thursday, July 13
*12PM 1:45PM
*7PM 9PM
Friday, July 14
*12PM 1:45PM
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