[Oagdu] article about guide dog banned from church bus

Angel angel238 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 24 01:39:16 UTC 2015

What is it you understand about this pastors stand regarding the subject. 
This lovely lady wanted to take her grand child to church as independently 
as she was able.  Demonstrating to all on the bus we blind people could be 
self sufficient, and there are working dogs as well as pets, and working 
dogs are distinctly different in purpose, and in demeanor than the pets most 
children experience.  Being accompanied by a separate driver further 
segregates us blind people.  Demonstrating rather a dependence we blind 
people don't deserve.  As that dependence is just as false as is this 
Neanderthals prejudices.  How can a guide dog handler object to a dollar 
store, or to a thrift shop refusing to permit a handler to shop in their 
store.  While tolerance is shown to someone else who refuses transport 
services for dog guide handlers?  Aren't the ignorance based reasons the 
same?  If tolerance is shown this individual pastor, how then can free 
transport for dog guide handlers be asked of anyone?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kathy Zolo via Oagdu" <oagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: "'Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List'" <oagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Kathy Zolo" <kzolo at wowway.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Oagdu] article about guide dog banned from church bus

> Hello all,
> Now that I have read the article, I personally know the handler. If this 
> is the stand her pastor has taken, I can understand. I had a similar issue 
> with a church many years ago, also with a boxer. Most boxers that I have 
> had or seen are very loving and wouldn't hurt a flea, especially not a 
> child. I had just had my first daughter and the church didn't want to let 
> me and the dog into the nursery. We did compromise by me agreeing to 
> muzzle my dog while I was in the nursery. This worked out well and I am 
> thrilled to say that there were no incidents with the children or the dog. 
> We have had the reverse happen with our church.  My husband and I have 
> been members of a church for at least 8 years. Our girls used to help with 
> driving us there and home since they were also attending the same church 
> we were. That has now changed and the church is now using the church van 
> to pick us up. Each church is different and so each situation must be 
> handled individually. I'm sure that Cathy was just trying to make it 
> convenient for the church bus to pick them up rather than for someone to 
> have to come out of their way. I can say from experience that people using 
> their own private vehicles can also bring us liability issues. I think 
> that the pastor and Cathy need to sit down and brainstorm through this 
> situation whether by phone or in person. Most churches my husband and I 
> have been in will willingly sit down and try to work out a solution to 
> this type of situation or any other situation for that matter. I sure hope 
> this can be resolved.
> Kathy and Dixie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oagdu [mailto:oagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Megan Schief 
> via Oagdu
> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 8:50 AM
> To: Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List
> Cc: meandthedog at oberlin.net; Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List
> Subject: Re: [Oagdu] article about guide dog banned from church bus
>>I have been asked to leave MS. P. at home to accommodate a driver who
> a car filled.
> I did so as a reasonable effort for one individual.
> Churches are exempt from these roles as their choice. It seems that 
> conservative churches and the state legislators are protecting them 
> against suits. i can feel for that paster.
> A Boxer as a guide dog in interesting to me.
> I am sure  you are hurting and in pain, but i suggest you think about this 
> and try to understand the pastor's position.
> This message is for the young lady who has the problem with the church.
> People will sue for anything, and a knee jerk retain isn't the way to do 
> it.
> I can't advise you, but i can pray for a solution. Me and MS. P.
> Hi Marianne,
>> I didn't see the original article in your message, so I am pasting it
>> below for those interested.
>> I can offer my comments in a separate post.
>> Deanna
>> Guide dog banned from church bus
>> Posted:Jul 15, 2015 8:03 PM EDT Updated:Jul 16, 2015 7:34 AM EDT
>> By Lisa Hutson
>> Email
>> Connect
>> lhutson at fox19.com
>> List of 1 items
>> list end
>> (Source: Lisa Hutson, FOX19 NOW) (Source: Lisa Hutson, FOX19 NOW)
>> A blind Sardinia woman says a Brown County church is discriminating
>> against her by not allowing her guide dog on a church bus.
>> Cathy Inglis says Tiny, a 6-year-old Boxer is an extension of herself
>> helping her to live independently even though she is completely blind.
>> While
>> she has
>> had to explain Tiny's role before, she says she never thought a church
>> would turn him away.
>> "They told me I was not allowed to ride the church bus,” said Inglis.
>> After asking to ride the Sunday school bus to church with her
>> 6-year-old grandson and Tiny, Inglis says Bible Baptist Church in Mt.
>> Orab told her Tiny could
>> not ride the bus.
>> "If I have offended them, I would like to ask for their forgiveness
>> because I would not want to offend them,” said Pastor Ted House of
>> Bible Baptist Church.
>> House calls the entire discussion a huge misunderstanding. Both Tiny
>> and Cathy are welcome anytime inside or outside the church he says but
>> any dog on a
>> church owned vehicle poses liability concerns.
>> "It's just I don't want the dog on the bus around those children in
>> those close quarters because a dog is a dog no matter how well they
>> are trained and
>> a dog might nip a kid and then I've got a parent upset and a
>> lawsuit,” said Pastor House.
>> Inglis says she has never had any aggression issues toward humans with
>> any of the seven guide dogs she has owned throughout her lifetime.
>> Each of them Inglis
>> says go through extensive training to behave in public.
>> House says he has suggested other options besides bringing Tiny on the
>> bus such as having volunteers guide Inglis on Sundays or having a
>> church member pick
>> up the pair in a private vehicle. They are options Inglis says she
>> should not have to choose from based on her disability.
>> “I didn't get the dog to leave him and be guided by somebody else. I
>> got him so I could work him and get around as best I can,”
>> said Inglis.
>> According to American Disabilities Act, churches are not required to
>> be ADA compliant but most do so voluntarily. By law, Bible Baptist
>> Church has the right
>> to refuse to accommodate anyone with disabilities.
>> Pastor House admits while he should have communicated the issue
>> better, he sticks by his decision to protect the children on the bus.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Oagdu [mailto:oagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Marianne
>> Denning via Oagdu
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 6:25 PM
>> To: Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List; NFB of Ohio Announcement
>> and Discussion List
>> Cc: Marianne Denning
>> Subject: [Oagdu] article about guide dog banned from church bus
>> Good afternoon.  I finally read this article and found out it was in
>> Brown County, OH.  The minister is not opposed for religious reasons
>> but for the safety of the children.
>> The dog is also not banned from the church services.  Do you think
>> this is really protected under the first amendment? Should either the
>> state NFB affiliate or OAGDU reach out to this woman?
>> --
>> Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
>> Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
>> (513) 607-6053
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