[Ohio-talk] FW: NAGDU model constitution for Ohio NAGDU

debra baker dbaker152 at woh.rr.com
Thu Jun 17 17:28:17 UTC 2010




From: Marion Gwizdala [mailto:blind411 at verizon.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 5:33 AM
To: debra baker
Subject: Re: NAGDU model constitution for Ohio NAGDU



    Thank you for your email. I am excited to help organize a NAGDU division
in Ohio. Attached is our model constitution for affiliate divisions. Please
take a look at it, share it with Dr. Smith and others who will be involved
in the organization of the division and we will talk again! I will see you
in Dallas!


Fraternally yours,

Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
National Federation of the Blind
President at NFB-NAGDU.ORG

----- Original Message ----- 

From: debra baker <mailto:dbaker152 at woh.rr.com>  

To: 'mariongwizdala' <mailto:blind411 at verizon.net>  

Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2010 4:59 PM

Subject: NAGDU model constitution for Ohio NAGDU




We spoke this p.m. about the fact that Ohio NAGDU committee would like to
affiliate as a division.  You wanted an email to which you can reply with a
copy of the NAGDU model constitution for me to forward to our dog guide
users.  If you have kept an email from me at all, the address that most
people have is lahm at pobox.com.  That is not, of course, what appears at the
top of this email.  Hope to be able to get together with you with our Ohio
president, J.W. Smith during national convention.


Best regards,


Debbie Baker, 937 206-2935

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