[Ohio-talk] Fw: ATM Testing Project

Dr. JW Smith jwsmithnfb at frontier.com
Sun Apr 10 16:38:15 UTC 2011



Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: ATM Test Coordinator 
To: alaskanfb at yahoo.com ; krezguy at cox.net ; mwillows at sbcglobal.net ; slabarre at labarrelaw.com ; erival at sbcglobal.net ; danjhicks at yahoo.com ; gscott at nfbga.org ; nanifife at aol.com ; pattichang at att.net ; pallen at lcb-ruston.com ; steve at sawczyn.com ; pyyhkala at gmail.com ; president.nfb.mi at gmail.com ; jennifer.dunnam at earthlink.net ; sgleese at city.jackson.ms.us ; nfbnj at yahoo.com ; office at nfbny.org ; jwsmithnfb at frontier.com ; president at nfbp.org ; silvara at cox.net ; Kags312 at hotmail.com ; rgardner at nfb.org ; snowedin at union-tel.com ; swellsj at bgsu.edu ; Rui Cabral ; salbers1 at cinci.rr.com ; nickwilcox_2000 at msn.com ; trising ; reif at ameritech.net ; Jerry Purcell ; nanagp at dslextreme.com ; misswonder55 at yahoo.com ; chuyandkia at gmail.com ; rhouston58 at gmail.com ; racquelmd29 at hotmail.com ; hobywedler at gmail.com ; itsmike2011 at att.net ; jaboylan at sbcglobal.net ; rstigile at sbcglobal.net ; dsmithnfb at gmail.com ; info at michaelhingson.com ; jbar at barcore.com ; rickwatson1113 at comcast.net ; ksawicki at avc.edu ; rkitman at comcast.net ; fowlers at syix.com ; twylyt74 at hotmail.com 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:42 PM
Subject: ATM Testing Project

Dear State Presidents and other testers,

Thank you so much for your willingness to test ATM machines in your state. You should now have all received a list of the ATM machines to be tested in your state, and we hope the testing is going well.  We have received results from several of you who have already completed tests, and we appreciate your promptness.  We look forward to receiving many more reports in the very near future.  

We did have a glitch on the NFB Website early on in the testing process which some of you made us aware of.  Reports submitted prior to March 31 did not actually go through and you did not receive a reply thanking you for your submission.  We have individually e-mailed those of you who let us know you did not receive a reply when you submitted your reports early on and some of you have resubmitted your reports.  If there are any others who submitted reports prior to March 31 or any reports for which you did not receive a reply when you submitted it, you will need to resubmit those reports. If you are not sure if your report went through, e-mail me the info on the machine you tested, and I will check the records to see if we have a report for that machine.

Just as a reminder, Dr. Maurer has approved $100 to be paid to the affiliate in which the ATM machine is located.  The president can then share the money with the tester or keep it as a fundraiser, your choice.

Thank you so much for your prompt testing of these machines.


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