[Ohio-talk] Guidelines for ICC Program

Eric Duffy eduffy at deltav.org
Wed Dec 11 02:35:52 UTC 2013

Please read this information and be sure we get it in the hands of people
who are deaf blind.

National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program
The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP) enables
low-income individuals who are deaf-blind to access 21st Century
communications services.  This program will help ensure that qualified
individuals have access to the Internet, and advanced communications,
including interexchange services and advanced telecommunications and
information services.
To learn more about the NDBEDP National Outreach Campaign, visit
www.iCanConnect.org or call 1-800-825-4595.
To Find the NDBEDP Certified Program in your State go to
The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program and iCC is the same
Household income requirements are as follows:
1 household member - 45,960 annual incomes
2 members - 62,040
3 members - 78,120
4 members - 94,200
5 members - 110,280
6 members - 126,360
7 members - 142,440
8 members - 158,520
Who is eligible to receive equipment?

Under the CVAA, only low-income individuals who are deaf-blind are eligible
to receive equipment. Applicants must provide verification of their status
as low-income and deaf-blind.

For this program, the CVAA requires that the term "deaf-blind" has the same
meaning given in the Helen Keller National Center Act. In general, the
individual must have a certain vision loss and a hearing loss that,
combined, cause extreme difficulty in attaining independence in daily life
activities, achieving psychosocial adjustment, or obtaining a vocation

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