[Ohio-talk] ideas for labeling

Marianne Denning via Ohio-talk ohio-talk at nfbnet.org
Thu May 22 13:44:37 UTC 2014

Okay, a rehab teacher or occupational therapist in Toledo is not well
trained on work with people who are blind.  There are other ways to
label items around the home without learning braille.  I strongly
recommend braille but if that is not an option you can purchase the
Pen Friend ($139.99) or Voxcom and 100 cards ($124.99) from Maxiaids.
Both devices allow you to record a voice message and attach it to
anything you want to label.  I just checked those prices.  I believe
you can purchase additional labels for the Pen Friend for $20.00 per
pack but you cannot purchase additional cards for the Voxcom.  The
Voxcom cards are reuseable and can hold a 10 second message.

Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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