[Ohio-talk] marching for independence sample letter let's get it going ask now

richard rchpay7 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 16:49:46 UTC 2015


Dear Friend,



                I hope that this letter finds you doing well!  I am writing
this letter to ask for your support.  I will be participating in the
Marching  for Independence, a five-kilometer walk to raise money for the
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio   members to help Fund.  The
collective efforts     to help support the programs of the NFB of Ohio   and
the NFB   affiliate and chapters.


                One of the NFB's goals is to ensure that blind individuals
get the tools and training needed for them to lead fully independent lives
and to empower and help the blind realize that blindness need not stand in
the way of achieving their dreams.  The NFB strives toward this goal through
its national programs and through the grassroots efforts of its 52
affiliates and more than 700 local chapters.  


                In 2004 the NFB held the grand opening of the Jernigan
Institute, a research and training center on blindness, run by the blind.
The Institute currently focuses on six initiatives: Education, Employment
and Rehabilitation, Jacobus tenBroek Library, Parent Outreach, Seniors, and


In order to keep these programs running, the NFB needs to raise the funds to
support their efforts.  Therefore, I am writing to ask you to sponsor me and
support this wonderful organization.  I have enclosed some brochures to
provide you with more information about the NFB and the  Fund, as well as a
March for Independence  information.  Please take the time to fill out the
information  and return it to the attention of Sherry RUTH   at   the
following address with your check made payable to the NFB of Ohio  6922
Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio  440355. 440-324-4218 (h), 440-281-6959 (c)

 Babyruth2 at windstream.net

  440-324-4218 (h), 440-281-6959 (c)

 Babyruth2 at windstream.net

(please write "Marching  for independence  " in the memo area).  You can
also sponsor me online and  it is a tax deductible.


Thank you so much for your support.  It is people like you that make it
possible for the NFB to continue its mission of helping blind individuals
lead fully independent lives.


Sincerely, Richard Payne


 <http://nfbohio.org/> NFB of Ohio Home Page 

NFB of Ohio Logo with the phrase Live the Life You Want

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds 

 you back.


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