[Ohio-talk] fyi
rchpay7 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 12:38:54 UTC 2016
Welcome to Ability Front!
Please go directly to the links provided for additional information. If you
have any news, opportunities or resources you want me to include in Ability
Front, please email me privately for consideration of what you send. My
criteria are generally "Will this help fellow Ohioans with disabilities or
disability professionals?" and "Is it timely, affordable and relevant?" And
if you ever want to unsubscribe, likewise just send me an email.
I'm putting it out, now it's your turn to run with it and pass it on!
Thanks, happy explorations here as always,
Elizabeth Sammons
Week of July 8
Did you know?
The World Health Organization estimates that at least 81 million people
across Africa are affected by some form of disability. From the Accessible
Guidebook to Ethiopia, to a neighborhood Braille teacher in Senegal, to
wheelchairs made especially for rough rural terrain, read about numerous
examples of resourcefulness and audacity.
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has partnered with the digital
advertising agency 360i and technology company Axios to create Adaptoys,
making it easier for mobility-challenged adults to play games with kids. A
new race car is controlled by the user with a headset for left and right
motion, and includes a straw, through which the user can inhale or exhale to
control forward and backward movement. A voice controlled pitching machine
will toss a ball when the user says the command. The pitcher even throws a
ball in a variety of ways, including tosses, pop-ups, and ground balls.
See also: Adaptoy Overview, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, available
A Stanford student has created a software program called Autism Glass, which
works together with Google Glass to help children with autism learn to
recognize social cues in real time conversations.
PEAT Talks: The ADA and Accessible Workplace Technology July 21, 2016, 2:00
- 2:30 p.m. ET WEBINAR. Join a discussion on how the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to accessible workplace
technology as well as relevant current policy developments. Register for
the webinar here:
Show your support for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
2016 by downloading and printing the new NDEAM poster to display. It's a
colorful reminder of the important message that inclusion works for
business, opportunity and innovation - a celebration of this year's NDEAM
theme, #InclusionWorks. Download the poster in English and Spanish
Retailers are increasingly using the Internet to provide information, goods,
and services to the public. However, websites have become the new hotbed of
litigation brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and
retailers who are increasingly relying on their Web presence need to take
note. To find out more see:
For Youth with Disabilities, Finding Help and Support After High School Can
Be a Challenge This week's Research In Focus
en%2Frif> looks at programs that may help connect young people with
disabilities to key services and supports once they leave school.
Check out this recent webinar, Tools for School: College Accommodations for
Students with Psychiatric Disabilities . The presentation includes tips for
understanding the role of service providers and helping prospective students
self-advocate with the Disability Services Office on campus.
Adjusting to Life After Spinal Cord Injury The NIDILRR-funded Model Systems
Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC)
&msgid=832324&act=1OQJ&c=654309&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.msktc.org> has
published a new factsheet, Adjusting to Life After Spinal Cord Injury
%2Ffactsheets%2Fadjusting_to_life> . The factsheet provides information and
resources to help people new to spinal cord injury (SCI), including
returning home after injury, managing health, and adjusting to changes in
family life and independence.
Based on his own experiences as a hospital nurse, Eddie Welsh and his wife,
Laura Paynter Welsh, have created a deaf-friendly system of flash cards
tailored to specific medical scenarios collected on a key-ring or into a
single laminated booklet. Each card shows common words and phrases depicted
by images of their sign-language equivalents and are grouped into categories
such as "anatomy," "signs & symptoms," and "treatment." The Welshes produce
the cards through their company, called "D.E.A.F. ecc.," which stands for
"Deaf Emergency Access Form-Emergency Card Cards."
Deadline July 31: Avonte Oquendo Memorial Scholarship. For applicants with
autism, including Asperger syndrome, currently enrolled or accepted into an
accredited university or college, undergraduate or post-graduate level.
September 20 all day, attend the 2016 Arts and Autism Conference: Creating,
Learning, Living. This is a sensory-friendly conference at the Columbus
Museum of Art. This is the only statewide convening of its kind. People from
around the country will convene to share best practices, network, arts
experiences, new ideas, and unique narratives, all focused on how to make
the arts and arts education accessible for individuals with autism, and
their families. Also attending will be cultural administrators,
practitioners, therapists, educators, and students with interest in the
intersection of arts and autism. Details about the conference and
Initiative here: www.vsao.org/artsautismohio .
RSVP/invite colleagues through Facebook:
A new interactive "toolkit" makes it easier for Ohio employers to recruit,
hire and retain qualified workers with disabilities. "Hiring Ohioans with
Disabilities: a Toolkit for Employers, Managers and Human Resource
Professionals" was produced by OOD and the Ohio Department of Job and Family
Services (ODJFS). See toolkit here:
American Foundation for the Blind offers new advocacy materials on
strengthening specialized services. On AFB.org, find an
<http://www.afb.org/specializedservices> overview of specialized services as
well as specific documents on
ID=6490> education services,
ID=6499> employment services, and
ID=6500> services for adults with age-related vision loss. These documents
are also available as accessible PDFs.
This guide, "Friends: Connecting People with Disabilities and Community
Members" includes specific activities in creating a plan to connect people
and build relationships. It is designed for agency staff, but can be used by
parents, support coordinators, teachers, people with disabilities, and
others. See
VR4HearingLoss is a free website to help orient vocational rehabilitation
professionals to the range of needs and possible services for persons who
are hard of hearing or late deafened. These services lead to enhanced
workplace success and improved quality of life. http://vr4hearingloss.net/
Elizabeth L. Sammons
Program Administrator
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Agency
Tel. 614.438.1260
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