[Ohio-talk] Crazy Scams

Wanda Sloan wsloan118 at roadrunner.com
Wed Oct 31 02:24:59 UTC 2018

I received a call from a recorded voice telling me to call Micro-

Soft because my Micro 
Soft License was very soon to expire and if I did not renew it with-in a few
days , I would lose my option of my computer shutting down and I would not
be able to operate it.

I was given a phone number beginning with 844 .  I immediately call
Micro-Soft Disability Desk.  They confirmed the scam.  Micro-Soft does not
use any phone numbers beginning with 844.

If these folks get into your computer, yes, they screw it up big time.

This notice may have already been told but it does not hurt to have it told



Wan Sloan


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