[Ohio-Talk] ,time is ,runn+ ,|t ,opt-,i to ,vote ,n{666

,}ic ,du6y peduffy63 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 03:08:52 UTC 2021

If you wish to vote during the 2021 convention of the National Federation of
the Blind of Ohio, you must opt-in to vote. This is a separate process from
convention registration so, even if you have already registered for the
convention you must return to our website and opt-in to vote.
Please provide us with the phone number that  you plan to use for voting.
Simply provide all ten digits of the phone number. Do not include any other
characters such as spaces or dashes.
It should look like this 6143779877
You must complete this process by noon on Sunday, October 24, 2021. Any one
who fails to opt-in to vote by the aforementioned date and time will be
unable to vote at the 2021 convention.
There will be know exceptions.


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