[PACapitalChapter] 2019 Pennsylvania NFB Convention Online Registration is Now Open

Drenth, Joe Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM
Thu Jul 18 16:16:52 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

You can now register for the 2019 National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Convention by going to the following web page:

The convention will be held Friday, November 1, through Sunday, November 3, 2019, in the Harrisburg area at the Radisson Hotel in Camp Hill. Make your hotel reservations by calling the hotel directly at 717-763-7117.

In addition to making your hotel reservation, please use the online registration to order your meals and provide your name for door prizes. If you register before October 1, the cost of registration is only $15 per person. The price goes up on October 1 to $25 a person, so do not delay.

This year the online registration allows you to purchase meals for Friday lunch, Saturday lunch, Saturday evening banquet, and Sunday morning breakfast. Friday will be very busy with technology seminars, division meetings, and other fun events, so a boxed lunch can be ordered through online registration to help you save time; you can quickly pick up the boxed lunch and attend your next meeting. Saturday is busy with morning and afternoon general sessions, so a hot, prepared lunch meal is offered that lets attendees relax, get to know each other, and catch up with existing friends. The Saturday evening banquet dinner is one of the highlights of the convention, so you will not want to miss the fellowship, keynote address, scholarship awards, and other fun we have planned. There will also be music, dancing, and drinks after the banquet. The Sunday morning breakfast is an opportunity for everyone to hear what other chapters and divisions are doing and to wrap up the convention with a time of sharing and planning for the year to come.

For more information about the convention, please visit the main convention page at:
This page includes the above information and has several links to the online registration page.

Thank you, and I look forward to joining you at the convention!

Joseph Drenth
Senior R&D Software Engineer
JBT Corporation  |  Automated Systems
400 Highpoint Drive
Chalfont, PA  18914, USA
E: joe.drenth at jbtc.com<mailto:joe.drenth at jbtc.com>  P: 215 822 4457

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