[SC-CSTD] FW: eye.t Weekly: PowerPoint Slide Order

Frank Loza floza58 at bellsouth.net
Tue May 2 17:29:53 UTC 2023



From: eye.t <info at eyetvision.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 11:58 AM
To: floza58 at bellsouth.net
Subject: eye.t Weekly: PowerPoint Slide Order


Everything you need to know about PowerPoint Slide Order!






Welcome to our weekly newsletter for this week of 5/2/23, where we'll put you in the know of anything eye.t!


On May 18, we celebrate  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001z3x37v0aFgIKFgYzstTG3t-ByOq01mwpHAtM6TWhnv9O3l1LLdvFyyYzCMiWNAEG0IpW8XlGCOb8vkaRW8qGKfkO-fF7n0wA7SQw_Qdxt8oDlbRiaUZJYWO9fP3xU1b6-bH016IKnIgzDUAMCdwNPQ==&c=RXzhkgyi8WY7luoSAyifmdw-6E9eJJmpmmtP-hkeBzWKwd-sMlhszA==&ch=l5mjyHiInVrAEbhDUZA_d0yqdk6r85YRjP64z4Rj3fk0vOpAtu-aXg==> Global Accessibility Awareness Day or GAAD. This day is an amazing way to “get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion”. 


For this reason, in the month of May, we are not focused on bringing you content on screen reader skills, but rather content that helps you and those you work with to make digital content accessible to our learners. Here is our schedule of things coming up in May:

*     This Week: Altering the Slide Reading Order in Powerpoint

*     Next Week: Adding Alt Text in Powerpoint

*     Week After: The Three Parts of Accessibility


If these are things that you are interested in, make sure you are subscribed to our email list, and if you have a colleague or friend with these interests, forward them this email and make sure they sign up!






Introducing our NEW Summer Cohort!


We are proud to announce our very first Summer Cohort for vision professionals providing screen reader instruction! You'll receive:

*     Four hours of valuable instruction

*     All-Access Subscription for one year of our Screen Reader Curriculum

*     4 self-calculating data sheets

*     An internal group community that can be used as a resource

*     And so much more!


Watch the video to your left to see for yourself what our cohort is all about!


Click the link below to learn more and register and secure your spot for this cohort!




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001z3x37v0aFgIKFgYzstTG3t-ByOq01mwpHAtM6TWhnv9O3l1LLdvFy1LACSlcz9C4rN-MvK7-BnbB2zr0DfztGe7O91LcON_Dgyg67tdIa6dTEnUTFWB_W7k7brvsMVHQBkTvTQfctmLBuCQuwcCAgw==&c=RXzhkgyi8WY7luoSAyifmdw-6E9eJJmpmmtP-hkeBzWKwd-sMlhszA==&ch=l5mjyHiInVrAEbhDUZA_d0yqdk6r85YRjP64z4Rj3fk0vOpAtu-aXg==> Click here to learn more and register! 






PowerPoint: Slide Reading Order


Let’s talk about inaccessible Powerpoints…. They are everywhere!


But in order for us to remedy this situation, we need to understand what EXACTLY makes a Powerpoint or a Google Slide inaccessible to screen reader users. Well, there are two main things. Today, we will be talking about the first one… Slide Reading Order.


What is it?

Think about reading a powerpoint slide. There might be a title, then some text then a few images. What ORDER would you like to read those elements in?


Probably exactly how I listed them right? You’d want to see the title first, then the text that supports the title and finally, the images.


Well, if the slide reading order is not set correctly, then a screen reader will see those elements out of order.


Now, on a simple slide, this is not a big deal right? But if you have a really complicated slide with TONS of elements on it, this makes the slide practically unreadable. Take the image below, for example.This slide on ChatGPT is showing 6 different titles AND text that supports those titles. Could you imagine if you were forced to read the 6th text box, then the 2nd title, then the 4th title, then the 1st text box?


Yeah, I know, unreadable…




So what do we do about this situation? Well, we got you covered.


But, before we get into it, we will be teaching this skill ONLY on Powerpoint. 


Why? Well, Google Slides has a similar feature but it is MUCH harder to use. My recommendation, if you need to alter a Google Slide, download it to powerpoint, fix it and then re-upload.


How to Adjust Reading Order

How do we do this? Well, we need to get to our “Reading Order Pane”


Before I tell you this process, know that the Reading Order Pane is in different spots on the ribbon depending on your version of Powerpoint. If you cannot find it on your verison, you can always go up to the Search bar and type in “Reading Order”.




Ok now, here is our step by step process:


Step 1: Go to the Review Tab (Alt + W)

Step 2: Go to “Check Accessibility” (Tab)

Step 3: Click “Reading Order Pane” (Down Arrow Key)


Now, your Reading Order Pane should appear on the right side of your screen.




How Do I Use the Reading Order Pane?

Easy, now all you need to do is drag your elements so that they appear in the correct reading order. The elements you’d like to have read first should be at the top and the elements you’d like to be read last would be at the bottom.


One last thing, be careful. If you have a really complicated slide, you may find that some alterations to reading order will affect how the slide appears. The answer here, trial and error OR start deleting unnecessary elements to make an accessible version of the same PowerPoint.


And that is about it! That is how you alter the reading order of a PowerPoint. Next week we will talk about Alt Text and as always, if you’d like to see a video version of this skill, click the button below to view this week’s Tech Tip Tuesday.


If you’ve gotten to this point, we really appreciate all you do to contribute to the accessibility of digital content and stay tuned for more throughout the month of May!


- Cody




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The Screen Reader Curriculum






Part 1: Working With Text


*     Instructor Edition only

*     Reading, writing, and editing text

*     80+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Through the Magnifying Glass and Julia's Journal




Part 2: Basic Internet Navigation


*     Both an Instructor and Student edition

*     3 method of Internet Navigation

*     70+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Mock websites and Navigation Candyland




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001z3x37v0aFgIKFgYzstTG3t-ByOq01mwpHAtM6TWhnv9O3l1LLdvFyw8oR4VzsisKcQJfovYwZhOkMNpRS9tC8Z4xV00VQtUJMqqmXBmlqyXwUrtuuUXWLazSI_abILqtGg52Isx7OgB2YC18qxJssA==&c=RXzhkgyi8WY7luoSAyifmdw-6E9eJJmpmmtP-hkeBzWKwd-sMlhszA==&ch=l5mjyHiInVrAEbhDUZA_d0yqdk6r85YRjP64z4Rj3fk0vOpAtu-aXg==> Click here to learn more about our courses! 




Consult with us!


Want to learn more about us and what we offer? Then go ahead and click the button below to schedule your very own eye.t Walkthrough where we'll personally brief you through whatever it is that you are interested in!


Choose a date and time that is most convenient for you and we can't wait to meet you!


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001z3x37v0aFgIKFgYzstTG3t-ByOq01mwpHAtM6TWhnv9O3l1LLdvFy6w46gdtZDqzbc3sDfNa4AiiO6uIQCm0vhpMSM8w6lxXDc-cKqYZa8iP0hEoLuMjQWpShp770prs7WHGrfiCBKwgWTlINMvj6jlwLAv5gryIyvvYjl1d0GrRkctrIFEB7BPnLubQkQ2O&c=RXzhkgyi8WY7luoSAyifmdw-6E9eJJmpmmtP-hkeBzWKwd-sMlhszA==&ch=l5mjyHiInVrAEbhDUZA_d0yqdk6r85YRjP64z4Rj3fk0vOpAtu-aXg==> Click here to set up a curriculum demo walkthrough! 




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