[Sportsandrec] Too many to list

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Thu Dec 18 02:40:05 UTC 2008

Well, first on the constant need to go to the bathroom while drinking and aerobic exercise...the body actually releases hormones that shut down the kidneys during exercise in anticipation of dehydration, shifting more water to sweat for cooling. Everyone is different, and have different tolerances for dehydration, but its still dangerous territory, and I still think you will find your workouts and recovery far superior if you are hydrated. Also, while small amounts of caffeine have actually not been shown to increase urine output during exercise, 32 ounces afterwards may be a bit much, and contributing to your "small bladder." 

Now, snowboarding vs. skiing...While I like both, I find snowboarding easier because when my skis come off in a yardsale, they can be difficult to locate without help. The snowboard will remain on my feet (unless I break both bindings). Also, just a personal mantra, if you aren't falling, you aren't skiing hard enough...

Now a question for all the bikers out there...I'm trying to find a way to figure resistance and power output on my trainer. I have no problems figuring power, and estimated VO2 for given power outputs on leg ergometers in the lab, but the resistance there is a constant, where on my fluid trainer its progressive (meaning static measurements of resistance are worthless). I've tried calling the manufacturer, who was less than helpful, and I've looked at the analytic cyclist website, but still have had no luck in calculating watts (and consequently VO2 readings) for my rides and endurance testing. Any suggestions? Also, has anyone used hub or crank integrated power meters, and is the software for these devices JAWS accessible? 

Kelly Thornbury

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