[Sportsandrec] Cycling Competition

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Sun Dec 21 20:49:36 UTC 2008

Well, dad and I will turn 92 next month, and I'm well over 30. Unfortunately, my summer this year will hopefully be consumed with an internship for my second degree, and will run from mid-May to the end of September if I get the one I want. Since my only training lately has been on the indoor trainer...its hard to find competitive riders around here who aren't into their own non-tandem training, and could easily use the entire year to get back into competitive cycling shape. Using two or three captains can put in miles but not real good intensity (although riding up hill with some of them certainly comes close). 
There are no tandem specific races in my area, but there might be some TT races, and I might be able to find some through the cycling club at the university. 


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