[Sportsandrec] dance lessons

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 22 02:00:13 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Since new people have joined thought I'd ask this.  If you have taken dance, private or class, what accomodations did you have?  

I want to take ballroom dance and once again my parents don't think its doable.  It would be in a class.  Private lessons are expensive!  Anyway, they think I'll be lost because its taught visually.  I said the instructor would verbalize the steps.  My mom pointed out that likely won't be enough and I need hands on guidance and cannot get individual attention in a class.  The thing is that they may describe it but it may be brief and fast.  That is why we think it may not be enough.  I have trouble understanding lots of directions at once if its not slow.  So what do you all think?
I think its worth trying but I cannot seem to convince my folks.  I am a young adult and don't work yet which is why they have influence on me.  Its unfortunate that I am not encouraged to try.  Those of you on the list who were active as kids are the minority and you are so lucky.  Parents generally think if you cannot see it you can't learn it.

I think that's why partly many blind adults and kids are inactive.

Happy holidays!

Ashley H Bramlett
Undergraduate Student
Marymount University

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