[Sportsandrec] judo is Awesome

Christella Garcia christellablue at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 23:03:24 UTC 2008

I know we have been talking a lot about judo lately.  I have to say that I am really excited that People are getting back on the mat, or trying judo for the first time.  I definitely agree that it is a cool martial art that blind people can excel at.  I was especially proud of Greg, and reading his article gave me a boost on a day when I was having a tough time with judo.  As some of you may know I am recovering from a shoulder surgery.  It is going more slowly than I would like, but I am fortunate to be part of a cool club in Sacramento.  I have also had support from a terrific physical therapist, and other team members as I continue to get my strength  back.  I am usually the only girl in my class, and it is a blast.  The guys don't take it easy on me, but they are aware of my shoulder.  The instructors are aware that I am recovering, but they make sure that I get a good workout.  It is true that I constantly educate people about being blind, but I enjoy it because I want people to know that blind people don't need to be pitied when it comes to judo or anything else for that matter.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I really love doing judo.  I hope to see a lot of you at the camp in February.  I can   honestly say that you will learn a lot and have fun at the same time.  The coaches are helpful and you will have the opportunity to see what you want to do with the sport.   I am not saying it's easy, but I do believe that judo has made me a  stronger, and more focused person.  So I just want to urge anyone to give judo a shot.  My goal is to have a fully slated team to go to London.  Sure I would love to have a spot on that team. I know that it will take a lot of hard work,   and determination.   For me going to this camp will be my first step on this long journey, and it would be a blast to see more blind people get involved with the sport.  


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