[Sportsandrec] Road Racing

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Sun Apr 19 00:53:54 UTC 2009

True that you probably haven't seen a blind runner challenging the world record times, but out of the hundreds of millions of runners in the world, there is only one world record holder...and maybe the first blind world record holder for any particular running event has already been born. Again, it's not blindness, but ultimately genetics that defines the record holder's potential. The 2008 Boston marathon had approximately 22,000 registered competitors, and only one winner...less than 0.000045%
Its like playing the genetic/athletic lottery, and while the blind record holder may never develop, it shouldn't be because of blindness. I personally hope and believe that that person is out there, finding new ways to train, and has their sights set on breaking more than records, but social/competitive barriers as well. 

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