[Sportsandrec] Turning a bike into a stationary bike

Ron & the bears rockthebike at usfamily.net
Tue Jul 7 16:31:09 UTC 2009

Hello Keith,

Trainers are stands that hold up the rear of the bike and also provide 
resistance to simulate an outdoor ride. While the thought of you making one 
is admirable, I'd leave it to those who have been building them for decades.

They come in three basic designs, each using a different type of resistance. 
The three types are wind, magnetic, and fluid. The fluid is the quietest and 
feels the most realistic, in my opinion. I have been riding them since about 
1992. I have killed at least two of them, perhaps from over use.

My favorite fluid trainers are the Kurt Kinetic and the Cycle-Ops (by Trek) 
Fluid 2. I prefer the Kurt and believe it is  the best. It is also the only 
one rated to handle the power generated from a tandem. I have ridden mine 
five hours in a day before without it complaining. My first one is now over 
six years old and still feels like new. It is very overbuilt and will not 
leak. I bought my first one as a demo for about $250, msrp maybe about 349. 
I just bought another on CL for $100. It is four years newer. I did not 
really need it, but wanted to have an extra in case someone wants to join 

You may also see new fluid trainers at mail-order stores like Bike Nashbar 
and Performance for less than $100. Their house brands seem to be good 
enough for moderate use. Or, you may buy one on CL. If you do buy a used 
one, do not be afraid to ride it for at least twenty minutes. You want to 
listen to it as you and the trainer both get up to operating temperature. 
They can make noises that will discourage you from using it.

You will also get in a better workout if you place a floor standing fan in 
front of you. You will generate a tremendous amount of heat while riding. A 
ceiling fan will not do much to help unless the room is large enough for 
dissipation or cold from AC. With a good sound system and healthy 
imagination, you will come to enjoy indoor riding. After twenty minutes on 
the thing, I am usually feeling more motivated. You and your pilot will also 
notice the improvements in your fitness when you actually get on the tandem 
for an outdoor ride.

Good luck! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.


Ron & the Dad gets to ride his trainer today bears
Austin, TX

Keith Christian wrote, "Hi,
: I am new to the list.  Your discussions have gotten me interested in
: getting out my bikes and cleaning them up.  My kids are all excited
: about it.
: I have a tandem and a few other bikes that I would like to put on a
: stand and ride them, when I don't have anyone to ride in the front.  I
: was thinking of making a stand out of wood but thought there might be an
: inexpensive device already readily available.  In a few posts, I saw
: references to a trainer or a trekk.  Are these stands you put your bikes
: on when you want to ride solo?
: Thanks.
: Keith" 

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