[Sportsandrec] my first ten miles

Everett Gavel e.gavel at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 13 23:00:34 UTC 2009

Kathy M wrote:
"As far as your knees, I'd strongly suggest
getting a clipless pedal system where you have cleats on your shoes that
lock into the pedals. The advantage to this is that you can have more power
in your stroke with the pushing down and the pulling up. I think it feels
like amore fluid  motion and would think that would be easier on your

Hi Kathy, and all,

Thanks Kathy.  I was wondering about that.  I volunteered yesterday at my
first biking event ever.  With the Akron Bike Club's Annual ABC Ride
(Absolutely Beautiful Country Ride - www.akronbike.org).  There were 315
registered participants.  More than a handful of tandems, too.  But in the
pavilion we had rented for one of the main stops, which had a cement base,
all day long I was hearing the same sort of cleats sound on the cement.  But
not all of these people seemed like hardcore racers or "hammerheads," from
listening to various conversations.  So are cleats pretty common?  By your
description above, it seems like they would be - or should be.  Can't wait
to get to a store to check out the system of clipping in and clipping out
and all that.  Thanks.

Ride On!

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