[Sportsandrec] Congrats Ron

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Fri Sep 4 20:26:03 UTC 2009

I looked for results on list, but I must have missed them somewhere. 

As for three training rides in one day, the scheduling worked out by accident. I've been doing two-a-days to work on recovery techniques, when an opportunity to get in some real road miles came up. The morning ride was a pretty intense interval session on the trainer, the road ride was pretty moderate, and the evening trainer ride was an "acid" ride. Its actually a Long Slow Distance ride (LSD ride), and used to help flush and clear the muscles. I don't know when I started calling them "acid" rides, but between the "LSD" acronym, the flushing, and the music I use, the term seems to have several appropriate meanings. 

As for the next couple days, its only LSD rides, and getting used to the new warmers and not listening to the headphones. . A couple "pace" rides early next week, then tapering off for camp (with a little carbo loading just for the fun of eating lots of pasta). 

Again congratulations on the TT. 

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