[Sportsandrec] Ice Fishing

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Sat Nov 3 18:45:15 UTC 2012

Welcome to the list, Timothy.

As for ice-fishing, I've been out on the ice with others a few times, but 
never cared to stay long enough to actually fish for myself. I suppose if 
you have the patience just to sit on the dock, edge of a lake, beachfront 
with a Surf rod, or even in a non-trolling boat, it'd be okay ice-fishing. 
Me, I've never had the patience, even when I was a kid. I'd always be 
walking up and down the river, casting out, reeling in, casting out again 
constantly. Looking back it's been the same all my life. Fishing off the 
Drawbridge @ Sand Key at the south end of Clearwater Beach even, I'd recast 
and recast. The only time I've ever been able to sit still was when the boat 
was trolling, which has been for the past 10 years or so when I've gone 
fishing year after year with my buddy. So I doubt I could handle ice-fishing 
for more than probably half an hour before getting antsy. But as for it, 
I've talked with plenty of guys out on the ice. The fun part, to me, other 
than hearing a huge crack break in the ice and rumble across the lake as it 
splits even though there's usually no danger due to the ice being a couple 
feet thick, the fun part (if there is one) seems to be using the auger to 
drill the hole. Other than that I tend to believe guys do it to get away 
from the house or some similar thing, y'know? You know how Surf rods are 
thicker and shorter? Ice fishing rods are even moreso. A couple feet long, 
and hold it over the hole and drop it in and that's about it. I might try it 
for a night if I'm with a few friends and have something to entertain. 
Music, or beer, or a book on tape, or better yet -- all of the above. ;-)

Anyway, welcome!


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