[Sportsandrec] Video concerning flash sonar, Daniel Kish Ted Talks

JUSTIN LOUCHART jalouchart at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 09:09:38 UTC 2013

Hello, all,

Recently there's been much talk about flash sonar in the blindness
community, and here's a video which may address several concerns about
it and its true usability.

This video is Daniel Kish doing a Ted Talks presentation in Mumbi, India.

A quick note: One of the concerns surrounding flash sonar is the click
volume. Many people in the blindness world believe that flash sonar is
obtrusive and annoying because of its perceived loudness. This myth is
perpetuated by only hearing the click through production microphones.
In the clip where a female student is identifying an unknown
structure, you'll hear the click at its almost natural volume. In
fact, the clicks being used are a tiny bit louder than they normally

Another strictly visual clip is Juan Ruiz, now 30, at the Guineuss
World Records show in Milan, Italy. He's atop a bicycle steering
through roughly a dozen randomly spaced, randomly arranged poles. He
was never allowed to see the obstacle course before that moment. This
was his first try through it, and he set the world record for a
totally blind person navigating such a course from atop a bicycle.

I think that's the only strictly visual clip. So without further ado,
here's a link to a youtube video of Daniel Kish's most recent Ted


I look forward to your thoughts,
Justin Louchart

Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam

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