[stylist] "A deafblind girl" or "Dragons and Dumans"

helene ryles dreamavdb at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 6 20:37:13 UTC 2009

I am thinking of changing the title of "The deafblind girl" to something else.

A deafblind girl (let me knowif you want to keep the original title)
Dragons and Dumans (it was originally called Squib before I decided to
scrap the word Squib and replacing it with 'Duman' which also
describes someone from a witch family who can't work magic. It's also
sent in a country run by dragons.
The gift of flight: The dragons have an obsession of making mankind
airborne plus flight has another meaning. Nadia spends a lot of this
book escaping her mother so the title sort of has a double meaning. I
think the 3rd title might work best but I'll keeep it as a Deafblind
girl while I send sample chapters to avoid confusing anyone.

Please let me know which title you prefere.


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