[stylist] DBG 7 (completely new chapter)

Barbara Hammel poetlori8 at msn.com
Thu Sep 17 02:08:02 UTC 2009

Why not instead of Nora, it be someone already in the book.  Does he get 
along with her family?  It might be all right if you just said his aunt.  If 
she never figures into the story again, she doesn't need a name.

If wisdom's ways you wisely seek, five things observe with care:  of whom 
you speak, to whom you speak, and how and when and where.

From: "helene ryles" <dreamavdb at googlemail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 5:11 PM
To: "Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [stylist] DBG 7 (completely new chapter)

> Shelley: I'm glad you like this story so far. Thanks very much for
> your feedback.
> I've sent a timeline of the date each chapter takes place.
> Let me know if it helps any?
> I'm also planning to make a list of all the characters.
> Also I mean to have a glossary of terms at the end of the book. I read
> a book that had one which was set in Afganistan called 'the
> breadwinner'. I found it a really good book. The names of things that
> didnt have english translation was at the end of the book.
> I'm wondering if people think Nadir and Nadia are differant? The only
> really new character is Mr Murat as Nadia and her mom have been writen
> about before.
> The story is about Nadia's life and also that of her aunt Liza. who
> are the main characters.
> Sorry about the grammar. Grammar and spelling isn't my strong point. I
> do run it through the spell check when I've findished chapters or you
> would find even more badly spelt words. Unfortunately the spell check
> just gives you a list of words to use and I sometimes accidently use
> the wrong one.
> Arielle is Liza's aunt and has been mentioned breifly in chapter 3.
> Mr Murrat's aunt Nora doesn't come into it. Would it be less confusing
> if he just called her his aunt?
> The painful curse is the same as Crusendi curse that J K rowling used
> only I call it 'the painful curse.
> Helene
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