[stylist] Angels Light Chapter One

kec92 at ourlink.net kec92 at ourlink.net
Sat Sep 19 16:57:11 UTC 2009

Hi everyone, 

	I've been staarting to writting a book myself.  I would like some
feed back to see what I need to improve and what's good as it is.  If
you could help me, that would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you, 

	Keitei Colton 
	Part One 


	A night that's filled with despair, 

	so deep that no hope is possible. 

	So far flung that it seems 

	An impossibility that it will be found, 

	Total despair takes over, 

	Until we are fed up with grief and rage, 

	Rage for the light to return. 

	But the hope never will. 

	The rage only creates sparks, 

	Until no emotion can be felt. 

	Finally content with the world, 

	The light starts to return, 

	There's hope once again. 

	Chapter One 

	The End 

	Fear filled the night: the night was supposed to be peaceful, until
the mayhem ensued.  Some people would live on in the village of
Potevka in the morning, and others would not.  The life of one
sixteen-year-old boy would change forever. 

	Quick breath, pounding heart, and adrenaline rushing through his
body, Angelus pushed his body harder and faster.  The fear of what
was behind him was overwhelmingly Terrifying. 

	The snow was lightly falling on this Christmas night.  The streets
were quiet and filled with a little bit of snow.  Angelus burst out
of his house running.  He had He had no idea where the monster was,
but he only wished that his angel would save him. 

	This angel of his was different from the ones painted in the

	She was tall with a slight tan. Her long blackish-brown hair reached
to the backs of her knees. She wore black leggings, a fur shirt and a
corn stalk cap.  There was something primative about her that Angelus
couldn't explain.  Nameless, she stood for him around the corner. 

	A blast of wind and snow shot angelus in the face.  When he could
open his eyes again, she was gone. It was just and allusion, he had
to keep running, running, running... He would have to forget why his
angel disappeared on him. He had to forget that he would die soon.
All that he would be able to remember was his name and the languages
that he spoke to keep himself alive.  The winters here were harsh. 

	He shivered as he ran in his woolen night gown.  He needed to wait,
or run. He couldn't wait until the sun rose above the horizon.  That
would be a while.  The sun had just set a couple of hours ago. 

	Looking over his shoulder, Angelus checked to see if he was being
followed.  His breath caught as he saw a silhouette of a figure
behind him, coming up fast. 

	Something made Angelus stumble and fall headlong onto a cobble stone
street.  Blood filled his mouth.  Struggling not to scream and cry out
in pain, and fear for his life, he didn't want others to share his
fate.  He pushed himself onto his back.  The monster was on top of
him, teeth bared, growling hungrily.  The wind blew in gusts.   Every
time the wind picked up, Angelus' hair moved momentarily in front of
his eyes.  His heart picked up speed as it leaned in. 

	This is it, I'm gonna die, thought Angelus.  I'm going to die on
this most holy of nights. 

	A grunt brought Angelus' eyes flying open with surprise, wanting to
know what was going on.  He just saw the sky starting to clear up
above him the twinkling of an occational star, and the walls of the
houses where he'd fallen.  He pushed himself up on his elbows.  The
creature had left him.  He knew that his angel wouldn't, no couldn't
have done that.  Was it a trick?  Would it come back?  Was any of
this for real? 

	Their numbers were growing in masses each ay.  This place was
Angelus' last hope of not being in danger.  But that frail shell of
hope had shattered tonight.  The world had changed dso completely,
but very little physically had changed. 

	The terror was still there, same with the turning of the world.  The
only thing that had changed was that Angelus had survived.  He was
grateful for watever had saved him.  When he looked around him, he
saw that another one of them was there, behind him.  A new pang of
fear shot through angelus. But when he opened his eyes, he did a
double take.  It was his Angel! 

	"How did you find me? Did you save me from that monster?" Angelus
demanded excittedly of his angel. 

	"I am one of those you fear: but I will never hurt you," she said in
a soft sigh that sounded off, like she wasn't a native speaker.  She
walked past him.  Her movements were flowing into one another. 

	"Wait! Angelus cried in desperation.  "Don't leave me!"  Hysteria
was shaking his body. 

	"Are you not afraid of a monster like me? she with wariness, almost
dead,  in her tone. 


	"You should be." 


	Because I'm not the person you are looking for. I am merely just a

	"You're much more than that to me.  I hope every day that I see you
again.  I am in much agony when you are gone." 

	"I am a wanderer, a nomad of sorts: I never stay in one place for
very long." 

	"But you've been here for a generation, watching over us." 

	"That's because I've been waiting for you, little dreamer." 


	"You are different than everybody else." 

	"I'm not different, nor am I a dreamer." 

	"Don't do that to yourself. It'll help you look at life." 

	"Just don't leave." 

	"I won't leave you, Angelus.  Let me help you up."  She extended her
hand, offering the help. 

	Angelus grasped her glove covered hand and got up. 

	"I don't think that hyou're a monsterous being," said Angelus

	"You don't believe me?" the pretty woman asked. 

	"That's right. I just can't see you being evil." he told her. 

	"you shouldn't have said that." She smiled without much energy to


	"There is one thing you should know first." 


	"I am a super breed of this monster." 

	"Huh? I don't understand what you're trying to say to me." 

	"You will not be able to go back to your family. Cany you accept


	"Say goodbye to your old life, and prepare for a new one." 

	She leaned forward slowly.  The features of her face were slightly
distorted from her lips pulling back over her teeth. 

	"What are you doing?" Angelus didn't want to hurt the worman, but he
was confused why she was acting so strange. 

	The swiftness of her teeth sank into the veins of his neck.  The
venom didn't hurt, but the blood pumping up circulation to his head
went faster, and dripped onto the snow.  The woman laid him down
gently, sitting down by his head.  his conscious faltered and fell
into blackness that enjulfed so completely.  The deed was done, and
there was no going back.

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