[stylist] Accessible electric stoves?

PAUL BAVER pebaver at verizon.net
Sun May 23 06:09:21 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net>
To: "Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [stylist] Accessible electric stoves?

> Hi Paul,
> Welcome to Stylist, and thanks so much for your insight about ranges. 
> Sounds like you've had a fascinating career. I've passed your comments  on 
> to my friend.
> What is your interest in writing? I am a retired singer-songwriter, now 
> writing nonfiction articles for the online magazines Suite 101 and 
> American Chronicle. I'm also finishing up my first novel, a fantasy called 
> "The Heart of Applebutter Hill."
> Hope to hear more from you. BTW, your e-mail address doesn't show up on my 
> copy of your post on this list, so I couldn't honor your request to pass 
> it on. I know some lists show member's e-mails, but I don't think Stylist 
> ever has.
> Donna
> Donna's articles on Suite 101:
> http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/donna_hill
> Free Download: "Love of My Life"
> http://www.passionsandpossibilities.com/guest-blogger-donna-hill-advocate-for-the-blind/
> Read my articles on American Chronicle:
> http://www.americanchronicle.com/authors/view/3885
> Follow me on Twitter:
> www.twitter.com/dewhill
> Join Me on LinkedIn:
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dwh99
> Or,  FaceBook:
> http://www.facebook.com/donna.w.hill.
> Hear clips from "The Last Straw" at:
> http://cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
> Apple I-Tunes
> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
> www.padnfb.org
> PAUL BAVER wrote:
>> Hello Donna, I've just joined the stylist group, I'm a retired food 
>> service/Caterer /restaurateur , and am totally blind I just purchased a 
>> Whirlpool Glass top stove, with knobs to turn off and on the burners, 
>> I've found that this model, and many of the glass tops, have a slightly 
>> razed area where the burners are located I can usually find the correct 
>> spot to place my pot, before I turn the burner on. The oven controls are 
>> still touch panel buttons, but are made in such a way that the only thing 
>> I haven't concord is changing the temperature , although I really don't 
>> change the temperature very often because I cook at (350-) and rarely 
>> change that setting. I had a (L.G.) glass top that I didn't like at all, 
>> it was my first experience with a glass top stove, and it was very 
>> difficult to use, a small bit of advice only use the recommended cleaner 
>> on the glass top, and never use any abrasive metal scrubbers. I hope this 
>> helps your friend, you can give her my E-mail address for more info. Paul 
>> E Baver
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net>
>> To: <nfbp-talk at yahoogroups.com>; "Writer's Division Mailing List" 
>> <stylist at nfbnet.org>; "Performing Arts Division list" 
>> <perform-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 11:37 AM
>> Subject: [stylist] Accessible electric stoves?
>>> Hi Friends,
>>> I have a friend in South Carolina who has lost enough vision that she 
>>> can't use the touch-screen pads on the new electric ranges. Her stove 
>>> needs replacing, and I wonder if any of you have any information about 
>>> something that would work for her. I use electric as well, but our stove 
>>> is older, and fortunately not having any problems.
>>> Any info on or off list would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks much,
>>> Donna Hill
>>> -- 
>>> Donna's articles on Suite 101:
>>> http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/donna_hill
>>> Free Download: "Love of My Life"
>>> http://www.passionsandpossibilities.com/guest-blogger-donna-hill-advocate-for-the-blind/
>>> Read my articles on American Chronicle:
>>> http://www.americanchronicle.com/authors/view/3885
>>> Follow me on Twitter:
>>> www.twitter.com/dewhill
>>> Join Me on LinkedIn:
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dwh99
>>> Or,  FaceBook:
>>> http://www.facebook.com/donna.w.hill.
>>> Hear clips from "The Last Straw" at:
>>> http://cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
>>> Apple I-Tunes
>>> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
>>> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
>>> www.padnfb.org
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> _______________________________________________
> Writers Division web site:
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Hello Donna, my E-mail address is pebaver at verizon.net Donna my interest in
writing has only became apparent since I retired in mid (2004) and for the
first time in my life learned to use this computer. I am not very good with
the many aspects of the computer world, and all of it's magnificent and
wonderful things that it can do but I'm trying to learn something new every
day. Yes I've lived a very fascinating, and on occasion a very self
destructive self serving life with in those days a great deal of anger. I
was born with (20-20) vision and managed to destroy it, along with much of
my early years on Earth in only a short (15-years. I grew up on a farm, and
at the age of (15) managed to become disenfranchised with life, and my
family and became a want to be gang member which was very short lived. I
belonged to that poor excuse of a gang for a very short three months, when I
was shot by one of my own friends. there is a great deal more about my life
that I have written about in a book that I wrote , and thus I wrote my true
life story that tells all. I lived what I see as a very colorful life, most
on the edge and somehow survived. It took about forty years after I was shot
to get over myself. I have extensively traveled around the U.S.A. and If you
are interested I have wrote about my traviles. I've also adopted my son and
that's a book in it's self. My book is finished and my interest in this
group is to not only make some new friends, but I'm looking for a person to
edit my book. I am mostly self educated, although I did graduate from our
local high school (Reading evening high school) I to date am the only blind
student that has graduated from there. I'm just not very good with
punctuation, or many of the other aspects of laying out chapters along with
all of the other aspects of organizing a book, so there's why I need someone
to help with editing. I'm attaching a little of my book with this E-mail
please let me know what you think, and maybe you can send me in the Wright
direction I look forward to hearing from you Paul E Baver.

It would take,

40-+-years, to get over myself.

Author P E Baver

I heard him running up the steps, I stood and turned towards the bedroom
doorway. There he stood, with a blank expression on his face, peering into
the room, and at me with that look of total absence of any emotion, I was
Stunned; to see him pointing that gun at me, his eyes, and face, had no
expression, he just stood there, as though, he was in a trance. With in
milliseconds, I felt that cold bone chilling feeling, return to my mind, and
became in golfed with fear. As I looked at him standing there, pointing that
gun, directly at me, franticly I started to turn away, my mind raced with
uncertainty, and doubt, for my safety. Should I look for safety, is he
really going to shoot me, or is he just playing with me. Fear and emotion in
golfed me, I began feeling like a cornered rat, with my executioner, being
held at bay. Turning to find safety, before I could say another word, he
pulled the trigger. I lost all control of myself, confused with sudden
darkness, and fear, I couldn't understand what just happened. I can't see, I
can't see, screaming an expression of terror, and confusion,  I can't see,
oh my God, I can't see. The bullet struck with so much vengeance, power, and
force, that it threw me back, and on to the floor. Oh God you shot me, why!,
help me, I screamed over and over again, help me I can't see, I can't see a
dam thing, oh my god, I can't see. Dear God, help me, please help me. Then
without a word from him, I heard him running towards  me,  immediately I
realized, he wasn't coming to help me, as he tried to force the gun, into my
hand, begging me to kill him. Oh God, what was going thru that sick,
deranged and angry mind of his,  I didn't know just what would happen next,
as I refused to take the gun, will he shoot me again, and finish me off. Oh;
no, he was trying again to put the gun in my hand, trying to force me to
take it, begging me to shoot him, he pleaded, shoot me, kill me. your out of
your mind I screamed Oh; God, I can't see what's wrong, what's wrong, please
don't shoot again, help me. Please get some help, please, call an ambulance,
you shot me, why, why, oh dear God why!.  Reaching up to my face, trying to
regain some composure, I felt blood draining from my head, as I somewhat sat
up, the blood drained on to my hands, and threw my fingers, onto my shirt,
and pants, and on to the floor. There was such severe numbness in my head I
couldn't feel my face, all I could feel was blood oozing  from my face, wet
sticky blood draining from my body. As I was franticly Screaming, I heard
the front door slam shut, he was gone, he shot me, and left me to die, why,
why, I sat there on the floor stunned, and shaking with fear, why, I 
stop thinking why!. I can't die like this I thought , I just don't want to
die, oh god no. Crawling to the steps, fearing I would fall down them, I
turned, and crawled down backwards. I pictured in my mind, On the bottom
step, there is that phone sitting there in it's own solitude, waiting for
me, was this why; it looked so obviously out of place to me that morning.
There's the phone, oh God, there it is, reaching out with blood dripping
from my face, I touched it, with my bloody hands, Get help, I kept thinking,
help would be at  zero on the dial, that was the key for me to get help.
There it was, that sound of the siren blaring, it was the most beautiful
sound in the whole World. Mister, Mister, oh god, help me, he shot me, he
shot me, oh God, he shot me. Help me please Mister, please help me, please
help me, I'm afraid to die. I don't want to die, why, I screamed, why!.!
Within days I would pray to God, and the Devil himself to take my life,
realizing that I would be blind forever, I, didn't want to live blind, or
with my heart turned to stone. Although, time did heal me and took from me
most all of my daemons, anger, and life's losses.

Welcome to my painful, and self imposed destructive  journey threw life.
This journey is one that I feel privileged, to still be alive to share with
anyone. Writing about  This was a very difficult process, and reliving all
of the pane and memories, are very painful. My life very early on in my
youth, would become filled with more demons, and anger, then one child or
man should ever have in a lifetime, and still be given the privilege to
survive. as I open this door of my life to the World, and expose my deep
inner complexities, that envelop my very existence, I'll for the first time
in my life, expose those very tragic events, with a great deal of sole
searching humility. I'll describe in detail, Some of those deep rooted
painful events, that would become the demons that would attach themselves to
my very sole. Then I'll try to explain just how difficult it was for me, to
crash into not one brick wall, but many of them, yes and unimaginably, of my
own free will by my own misguided arrogance for life. As difficult as it was
I did fully recover, from those tragedies, and from my self destructive,
quest for self defeat. I'll then explain more in detail the difficulties of
forgiving myself In my quest, to make peace with myself. I'll make a
concerted effort to show the reader just how hard it really was, to forgive
myself, and others. This journey would take a lifetime, and many times
almost destroyed me, and in many ways did destroy my Mothers life. I've done
a lot of sole searching, preparing to write this story, which would include,
examining more of those daemons in my life that were haunting me, there are
more demons, then I ever thought about facing, or ever wanted to look at. I
think the hardest part of writing this true story was, opening  up the door
of self examination,  and to personally admit my short comings. as I do all
of the deep and necessary sole searching for a way to dispose of those
daemons, there were some issues, that were easy to resolve, and some deep
rooted ones, that weren't easy to except, or face. Today I do have all of
the peace that any man could expect in his life, and yes I'm very happy
these days, I think that this journey allowed me to coin a fraise, I tell
most people, when they ask me how I'm doing.  I reply with, (if I were doing
any better, I'd  think I died, and went to heaven". This happiness never
would have been possible, if not for many persevering family members, and
friends with a great deal of love for me, like my, Mother, Grand Mother,
Grand Father, an absolutely perfect friend Dennis G Reiner, and the numerous
friends along the way, along with living in the greatest Country in the
entire World, I live in America, with freedom of choice, and the privilege
to love God.

Today is (01-01-2009). Each, and every year, at Christmas, as I have for as
long as I can remember, I have received, a Christmas card from a friend,
that I have had from the time that I was a school age young man. I grew up
in Stone town Pennsylvania, in the Country, the few friendships I managed to
acquire, as a small child, living on a farm, were very important to me,
because there just weren't a lot of children that were my age, and farm
life, was such, that I was usually very involved with farm chores, and
loving my Grand parents. Most friendships, began at our country Sunday
School, a nondenominational Church, that almost everyone attended most
Sundays. At that Sunday School, is where a great deal of my values were
found, along with the family values that my Grand parents instilled in me,
after Sunday School was over, there was time to make friends, as we would
walk home, we'd laugh and joke on the way, like all children do. At that
Sunday school was where, friendships were made, some are lasting, and some
faded away, like life itself. I will admit also, I didn't find a need for a
lot of friends, because in those days, on the farm, I had all of the
attention that I needed, and interacting with others, seamed to have a
commitment, that I didn't understand, or need. This particular friendship,
has always been a very special one to me, because my friend Ruth Waldman
Opperman, hasn't ever to this day, forgotten her friend Paul, her concern,
and friendship, has given me inspiration, and hope, so many times, over the
years. This year she suggested to me, that I should write about my life,
knowing Ruth as I do, I feel that her sincerity, and encouragement, has
inspired me in the past, and still does, I value her opinion, as I do my
friend Denny's. As her card was read to me, I thought, why not?, yes!, why
not?. Along with Ruth's encouragement, There is that great man, Dennis G
Reiner, who has also been more then just a friend, he's been like a brother
to me, for now (43 plus years),  who has also  encouraged, and inspired me
to write about my life, a lot over the years. So here I am giving it a shot,
just where this writing will go I have no idea, but if a true friend is
interested in hearing about my life in detail, then just maybe you the
reader of this real life tragedy, and success, will also enjoy my story.

49-years and 17 days ago, my life was changed forever, I may never have all
of my answers I ask for, but I'm trying, to find the balance of a peace with
in myself. I'm not sure, just how this will all play out. It seams the more
questions I get answered, the more questions I have that need answers. The
more answers I get the more questions I have, and the less I understand. I
have a long time ago, resolved in my mind one fact of life. Some questions
pertaining to my life should never be; asked., because if, I were to ask
those questions, I may hear some things that I'm not ready to hear, or
asking those questions, may open the door to many, many, more questions,
that I may not want to hear the answers to. Thus I will never get them
answered. I work very hard at remembering a lesson, I learned a very long
time ago, (every action, has a reaction, every misguided deed, has a

In my quest for answers to the questions, that I want answers to, I'll do my
very best, to give answers truthfully, and as detailed as possible. there
will be exceptions pertaining to some of the questions, that you the reader
may ask. I don't think that I need to know anymore of those things, that may
bring anymore pane into my life, so I have no answers to those questions,
Nor do I want to ask them. I truly feel, at this point in my life, I have no
desire, to know anymore answers, to anymore questions that will only cloud
my ability to move on, anymore then it already has. I'll leave those answers
up to you the reader to answer, in what ever way the reader demes
appropriate. The next quote, is one that I wish I would have learned many
years ago, the three R's, in this quote, are the foundation, that we all can
build our lives on.

"Remember the three R's:

Respect for yourself;

Respect for others;

take Responsibility for all of your actions".

Personally I've found a great deal of peace in that quote, and use it as my
foundation for Daly life.

( Was I an Accident looking for a place to happen)

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