[stylist] Accessible electric stoves?

loristay loristay at aol.com
Sun May 23 17:18:48 UTC 2010

We have a GE stove.  We brailled the controls which resemble a touch screen, but actually are soft buttons, slightly indented.  It takes a little thought, but works fine.  The stove top does not use the buttons, just knobs.
On May 21, 2010, at 11:37:49 AM, "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net> wrote:

I have a friend in South Carolina who has lost enough vision that she can't use the touch-screen pads on the new electric ranges. Her stove needs replacing, and I wonder if any of you have any information about something that would work for her. I use electric as well, but our stove is older, and fortunately not having any problems.

Any info on or off list would be appreciated.
Thanks much,
Donna Hill

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