[stylist] Accessible electric stoves?

loristay loristay at aol.com
Tue May 25 02:11:06 UTC 2010

Paul, I would like to add to Donna's comments.  You need to look out for homonyms!  in golfed means someone was playing golf, perhaps?  And even then it isn't precisely right.  the word would be engulfed:  e n g u l f e d.
She may have said it, but leave out the comma after gun.  Frantically is spelled f r a n t i c a l l y.  The sentence needs to be broken into a couple of sentences.

You might well use the services of an editor, but bear in mind these services do not come cheap.
Before you look for one, make sure you have done as much with your writing yourself to minimize the cost.

On May 24, 2010, at 7:16:20 PM, "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net> wrote:

Block quote
With in milliseconds, I felt that cold bone chilling feeling, return to 
my mind, and became in golfed with fear. As I looked at him
standing there, pointing that gun, directly at me, franticly I started 
to turn away, my mind raced with uncertainty, and doubt, for my safety.
Block quote end

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