[stylist] The Voices of Angels and attachments

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Sep 11 20:44:27 UTC 2010


I opened up your attachment and --- it was safe and readable. There isn't a
rule against sending an attachment, yet there may be some folks that would
hesitate to take the chance. (Hmm, I should ask the NFB webmaster if an
attachment is "looked at" by his software, like scanned for --- bad things.)

Very interesting! I'd love to see a past life regression in action. My wife
would like to do it. (I'm not sure I could be regressed or even hipmitized. 
I wonder if your piece here would fall under the category of creative


-----Original Message-----
From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Marion Gwizdala, M.S.
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 8:13 PM
To: stylist at nfbnet.org
Subject: [stylist] The Voices of Angels

Dear All,
    I'm not sure if attachments are acceptable on this list, as some lists
do not allow them. Please let me know whether or not they are allowed and I
will refrain from sending any others!
    As I mentioned in my "Re-Introduction" message, my writing interests
include such topics as metaphysics, psychology, and issues of guide dog use.
Attached is a piece I wrote some time ago and recently re-visited, making
several edits as my writing skill has improved since its first draft. I
promised one lister who contacted me off-list about her interests in
metaphysics and I promised her this offering. I thought others might enjoy
it, as well! Any constructive criticism is gratefully and gracefully

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala

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