[stylist] Tate Publishing

Judith Bron jbron at optonline.net
Thu Apr 21 18:42:24 UTC 2011

After the holiday last night my husband took in the mail.  There it was.  The answer to every novelist's dream!  I got a response from Tate Publishing complete with conttract!  My husband sat down and started reading it to me.  I felt like I was walking on cloud 9!  But there were two problems.
1.  The publisher never read my manuscript, only my querie and a few chapters.
2.  The publisherr wanted $3990 allegedly for a publicist to handle my novel.   Red flags went up in my husband's head, but he didn't tell me about them.  Instead he suggested that I investigate Tate publishers on the web.  Anyone want to write the book on Tate?  According to their description they specialize in first time authors.  Why?  An experienced author knows that a publisher, except for a firm who represents or works with self publishers, never asks for money, at least to the best of my knowledge.  Anyways, it was a learning experience that I thought I'd share with you.  A happy Passover and Easter to those observing the holidays, Judith

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