[stylist] Writing and community service

christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 26 23:20:02 UTC 2011

Hi all,

The community service group I wrote about a few months ago is hosting an organizing meeting at Convention. I’ve pasted a flyer below my signature about our group and the meeting. We’re always looking for new members.

We’re also looking for submissions for our community service blog, which is at http://nfbcommunityservice.wordpress.com. Our blog is getting a bit of a slow start, so I thought, What better place to look for ideas than a group of fellow writers! If you have a topic for an article you’d like to write, or if you just have a topic you’d like to see featured, please let me know. We’re looking for submissions that are around 500 to 700 words about any aspect of community service, including stories about people’s personal experiences doing community service. My e-mail address is Christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net. If you have any ideas for articles, if you want to write an article, or if you just have general questions about the blog or the community service group, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Chris Parsons

How do you feel about community service? Do you volunteer your time once in a while in the community or with your local church and want to find other blind individuals to connect with? Do you find community service interesting but are not sure that you as a blind person can get involved or don’t know how to begin?

Here's your opportunity!

We are a small group of people interested in doing community service. We enjoy giving back , and we believe that it is important for blind people to get involved in the community.

So if you enjoy community service, or if you are interested in possibly doing some community service work in the future, please join us!  We are always welcoming new members.

We hold monthly conference calls during which we present a topic for discussion or have a guest speaker talk about his/her community service experiences.  We also have a blog where we post summaries of our conference calls and welcome personal stories about the service work people like you do. We even have a list serve that allows us to connect, share stories, ask questions, and post articles/announcements about topics of interest related to community service.

Our blog is located at http://nfbcommunityservice.wordpress.com/.

Or join our list serve by going to http://www.nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/community-service_nfbnet.orgg.

Please feel free to contact us at nfbcsoutreach at gmail.com if you have any questions or  new ideas or wish to get involved.

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